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Use Robots and Ultrasound to Treat and Prevent Stroke


To effectively treat stroke and prevent stroke, you need to know just what is literally happening in a patient’s head. CT Scans and MRI scans are tools most of us are familiar with. Generally if you suspect a stroke is possible, you need these two scans done.

There’s another tool out there, too, that’s cheaper, more portable, and involves no radiation. It’s called Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound. It’s a great complement to the other scans, and it can provide impressive insight to supplement the information from the radiologists. A skilled practitioner is a great complement to the care team.

Dr. Mark N. Rubin is a vascular neurologist and associate professor of neurology with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Department of Neurology. He specializes in vascular neurology and is experienced in stroke and cerebrovascular disease, and an experienced sonographer and expert interpreter of carotid duplex ultrasound and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography.

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