UTHSC In the Media

UTHSC associate dean for Med Ed is stepping down

The Memphis Business Journal

Robert G. Shreve has decided to step down from his role as associate dean for Medical Education in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine, effective June 16. “As Bob steps down, it is not only appropriate that we recognize his hard work and his successes, but also that we embrace his legacy of continually improving… Read More

LED Imaging Partners with UTHSC College of Dentistry to Provide Students with Advanced Imaging Technology

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Through this partnership, students, residents and faculty at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry will now have access to new, sophisticated oral and maxillofacial imaging technology.

Dr. McCullers Discusses Influenza

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Dr. McCullers, a world-renowned infectious disease specialist, and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center … calls for large-scale studies involving consortia or clinical networks to unlock the next unanswered questions about co-infections and viruses in order to prevent the loss of life of a pandemic similar to the one in… Read More

UTHSC Hosts PTSD Symposium

The Commercial Appeal

University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Neuroscience Institute hosts a symposium titled “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Clinical and Neurobiological Features.”

Dr. McCullers Quoted in Science Codex

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Dr. McCullers, a world-renowned infectious disease specialist, and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, analyzed the epidemiology and microbiology of co-infections during the 1918, 1957 and 1968 pandemics, as well as more recent 2009 novel H1N1 pandemic.

Dr. Jon McCullers Quoted in Infection Control Today

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McCullers, a renowned infectious disease specialist and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, analyzed the epidemiology and microbiology of co-infections during the 1918, 1957 and 1968 pandemics, as well as more recent 2009 novel H1N1 pandemic.

Associate Professor Stephen King Quoted

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Stephen King, MD, associate professor in the department of plastic surgery, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and chief medical information officer at Regional One Health, explained that scientists are looking at hyperbaric chamber oxygen (HBO) for uses in stroke patients, multiple sclerosis and acute traumatic brain injury – but those uses are not yet approved

Doctors insist Medicare figures are wrong

The Commercial Appeal

“Based on my standpoint, it’s totally false,” said Salazar, an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.