UTHSC In the Media

Religious community helps combat opioid epidemic

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Wendell Taylor hurt his back in the midst of a rough divorce nearly a decade ago. His doctor gave him a prescription for painkillers. Before long, the former West Tennessee concrete business owner needed the opioids to numb his physical and mental pain. But in his recovery, Taylor needed God. “God has led me to get involved… Read More

College of Nursing Spotlight: Paving the Way for Nursing Education

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Tracing its history to 1887, making it the oldest college of nursing school in the state of Tennessee, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing has been paving the way for nursing education and it continues. Simulation training is on the top of its list. Across the country, nursing education has been… Read More

Tennessee is reforming health care without partisan warfare

Most people might be surprised to know that Tennessee is undertaking a major health care reform effort that is homegrown, nonpartisan and gaining momentum. Gov. Bill Haslam launched the Tennessee Health Care Innovation Initiative in February 2013 to improve the efficiency of health care delivery and quality of care for all Tennesseans. This program has three… Read More

Budget cuts threaten scientific research in Memphis

The Commercial Appeal

Among the Trump administration’s policies, a proposal to cut back funding for biomedical research would have one of the most profound impacts on an important Memphis enterprise. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the University of Memphis are among local institutions involved in a thriving scientific research community… Read More

UT Aims for Big Apartment Project on Campus Near Downtown

The Commercial Appeal

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center plans to attract a major apartment complex alongside its campus near Downtown. The university has asked developers for proposals on how 10 acres can be redeveloped for  housing and possibly shops and stores in the Memphis Medical District, a two-mile-long area of 8,000 students and 17,000 employees who chiefly commute… Read More

Coping with Phantom Pain After Amputation

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When someone loses a body part to amputation, he or she may experience residual, aka “phantom,” limb sensation. It’s the feeling that the body part is still present – whether after a major limb amputation, surgical removal of a finger or even following a mastectomy. Although the body part is gone, leftover physical feelings are… Read More

New Interactive Map Shows Area Neighborhoods Words Binge Drinkers, Obesity, Health Disparities

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Who gets more sleep, folks who live in Alton Park or the North Shore? Who’s the worst when it comes to seeing a dentist, and what are the consequences? And what Chattanooga neighborhood is the home of the city’s worst binge drinkers? A new interactive map from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… Read More

Programs help blunt Memphis’ diabetes epidemic

The Commercial Appeal

Dr. Sam Dagogo-Jack, professor of medicine and chief of the division of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, helped lead a major study showing that lifestyle and diet changes can reduce by up to 58 percent the occurrence of diabetes among people who are pre-diabetic. Lifestyle and diet, the study… Read More