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Chinese Scientists mull new medical technique in Memphis


You’ve heard of Botox.

You’ve heard of artificial hips and knees.

You’ve heard of transplants.

Now you’re going to hear about living a longer time.

This isn’t a story about Memphis scientists coming up with a way to live well past 80 years of age.

But it’s kind of like that.

Let’s say you bruise your kidney in a car wreck at age 30 and the damage persists. Ten years later you need a transplant.

What if you could get the bruised kidney to fix itself right after the wreck?

You’d never need a transplant.

You’d never need a new kidney.

Put your own body to work at damage control and it can get your kidney to run good as new.

That’s what the scientists in Memphis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center have aimed for.

t’s called regenerative medicine.

And it’s about kidneys, most other organs and arteries.

On Wednesday, UT scientists talked over the subject with fellow scientist Y. James Kang, a visiting entrepreneur from China.

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