People: Student News

UTHSC College of Medicine Launches 3-Year Curriculum Program For Primary Care Fields


The College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is pleased to launch an accelerated curriculum program to allow students committed to practicing in primary care fields to complete their medical education and training in three years, instead of the customary four years. The Accelerated 3-Year MD Program was approved in late… Read More

UTHSC To Hold Virtual 2020 Winter Commencement December 10


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will graduate 89 new health care professionals during its virtual 2020 Winter Commencement ceremony on December 10. In addition, for the first time, a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree will be awarded to 456 students from the College of Pharmacy. The ceremony will take place at… Read More

Charles Snyder Named Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Community Engagement at UTHSC


Charles Snyder, PhD, MPH, EdM, has been promoted to the role of assistant vice chancellor for the Office of Student Affairs and Community Engagement at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Dr. Snyder previously served as director of the Office of Student Affairs and Community Engagement, which includes Student Affairs, Student Life, Health Career… Read More

UTHSC College of Pharmacy Endowment Funds Allow Every Student in College to Receive a Scholarship


The UTHSC College of Pharmacy’s Feurt Committee, which oversees the college’s largest endowment, has made it possible for the college to allow 100% of the student body to have a scholarship for the 2021 spring semester. The Feurt Committee funds are typically used for an annual symposium, international program, and some selected student scholarships. Because… Read More

UTHSC Advisory Board Holds Final Meeting for 2020


In its last meeting of the year, the UTHSC Advisory Board welcomed a new student member, approved a second term for its chairman, and discussed ways it can assist the university in advancing its goals for diversity of its students, faculty, and staff. Philip Wenk, DDS, who has served as chairman of the board since… Read More

HSC Hub Named As New Campus Store for UTHSC


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s campus store in the 930 Madison Plaza, first floor, has a new name and a new look. It is now called the HSC Hub. Formerly managed under the VolShop brand, headquartered at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the new HSC Hub now operates as an independent retailer with… Read More

SASSI Focused on Mental Health and Well-being of Students


The Office of Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion (SASSI) hasn’t let social distancing keep it from connecting with students at UTHSC to help them manage stress during the pandemic. Their team has been focused on the mental health and well-being of students long before social distancing guidelines went into effect. The office has been… Read More

UTHSC Advisory Board to Hold Virtual Meeting November 12


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Advisory Board will hold a virtual meeting at 1 p.m. CST November 12. Board members will be participating electronically or by telephone. Interested individuals are encouraged to watch the meeting online. Information to access the meeting will be available at Items on the Advisory Board agenda include:… Read More