People: Staff News

Brenda Murrell Appointed Associate Vice Chancellor of Sponsored Programs


The Office of Research at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Brenda Murrell as associate vice chancellor for Research, Office of Sponsored Programs. In her new role, Murrell will oversee pre- and post-award functions, providing leadership, support and strategic direction for all sponsored research activities and administration. Her appointment… Read More

2023 Dentistry Magazine Highlights College of Dentistry’s Statewide Impact


It is an exciting time for the College of Dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Not only is the college expanding on the Memphis campus, but it is continuing to grow its statewide reach with new opportunities for students and communities across Tennessee. Delta Dental Building Nearing Completion See the progress on… Read More

Hamilton Eye Institute Lions Club to Host 6th Annual Race for Sight 5K


The Hamilton Eye Institute Lions Club at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is hosting the 6th-annual Brad Baker Honorary Race for Sight 5K on Saturday, March 4, at 9 a.m. The race will be held at the Tour de Wolf Pavilion at Shelby Farms Park, 500 North Pine Lake Dr, Memphis, 38120. The… Read More

The College of Dentistry at UTHSC to Hold Annual Give Kids a Smile Day February 23


The College of Dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center will hold its annual Give Kids a Smile Day February 23, providing free dental services to 97 children and teens from Freedom Preparatory Academy in Memphis. For roughly a decade, the UTHSC College of Dentistry has participated annually in Give Kids a Smile… Read More

UTHSC CHIPS to Host Town Hall on Role of Simulation in Health Equity


The Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Simulation (CHIPS) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center will host a town hall February 22 to explore the role of simulation education in helping learners provide equitable health care. The event, titled “The Power of We,” will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. in the… Read More

UTHSC College of Medicine Dedicated New Sign at Frayser Community Urban Garden


The Office of Community Health Engagement in the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center held a dedication ceremony earlier this month for a new sign at the Frayser Community Urban Garden. The Frayser Community Urban Garden launched in 2021 as a collaboration between the UTHSC College of Medicine and its Board… Read More

Shelby County Relative Caregiver Program at UTHSC Receives $1.87 Million Grant


Since 2001, the Relative Caregiver Program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has helped ensure that children whose parents cannot care for them are able to remain in their family’s care, instead of the foster care system. Relative caregivers are family members who are related to a child by blood, marriage, or adoption… Read More

College of Nursing Offers 3rd Annual Opioid Conference


The 3rd Annual Opioid Conference and Pre-Conference will bring together experts in substance use disorder to share how genetics, trauma, and opportunity contribute to developing opioid use disorder across the lifespan. This conference will be hosted by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing March 3, with a pre-conference for prescribers March… Read More