Students Present Community Outreach Activities


UTHSC students will be presenting their service-learning projects in the lobby of the 920 Madison Ave. Building from noon to 2p.m. on Thursday, March 17.

Research to Prevent Blindness Grant Supports UT Ophthalmology


Alessandro Iannaccone, MD,UTHSC associate professor of ophthalmology, has received a prestigious Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development Award for $200,000.

Trustees Approve Pharmacy Class Size Request


The UT Board of Trustees unanimously approved a request from the College of Pharmacy to significantly increase class size during its quarterly meeting held in Chattanooga.

Beizai Receives National Recognition


UTHSC assistant professor, Kristin S. Beizai, MD, has received the prestigious Nancy C.A. Roeske Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Medical Student Education from the American Psychiatric Association.

Newly Published Research Raises Questions About Sunscreen


An article published in the February issue of Melanoma Research concludes that sunscreen usage needs to be reassessed and that appropriate regulatory bodies need to clarify that sunscreen products be used only for preventing sunburn.

U.S. DOD Funds Research on Hemorrhage-Stopping Drug


The U.S. Defense Department has awarded $750,000 to UTHSC and Greystone Medical Group to complete pre-clinical research of a drug to treat hemorrhagic shock.

Amonette Honored with Academy’s Highest Award


Memphis dermatologist and UTHSC clinical professor, Rex A. Amonette, MD, was presented with the American Academy of Dermatology’s highest award at its annual meeting in New Orleans on Sunday, February 20.

President Petersen Announces Choice for UTHSC Chancellor


UT President John Petersen announced his choice for the tenth chancellor of UTHSC and vice president for health affairs as William (Bill) F. Owen, Jr., MD.