UTHSC Student Selected to Academy Board of Directors


Fourth-year medical student, Eddie J. Turner, has been selected as a student member of the American Academy of Family Physicians board of directors.

Shaberg Receives Laureate Award


Dr. Dennis Schaberg recently received the Laureate Award from the American College of Physicians.

UTHSC Graduation Set for December 5


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will hold graduation ceremonies at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5 in the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts at the Cook Convention Center.

Rice Named Interim Chancellor at Memphis


The former chancellor of the UTHSC will return to the institution as its top administrator in December until the search for a permanent chancellor is completed and a chancellor is employed and on the job.

Finalists for UTHSC Chancellor


Two final candidates for the Chancellor’s position at the UTHSC will be on campus for a series of interviews beginning Tuesday, November 25 through Thursday, December 4.

UTCI to Sponsor Poster Contest for Cancer-related Research


UT Cancer Institute (UTCI) members, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are encouraged to participate in a poster presentation focusing on cancer-related research.

UT College of Pharmacy Establishes Minority Center of Excellence


The UT College of Pharmacy received a three-year, $2.6 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to fund a Minority Center of Excellence.

UTHSC Awarded $14 Million NIAID Agreement for Biodefense Research


UTHSC has been awarded a cooperative agreement for approximately $14 million from the NIAID to construct a Regional Biocontainment Laboratory for biodefense and microbiological research related to serious emerging infections.