Publisher: The Commercial Appeal

UT honors innovators

The Commercial Appeal

The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Innovation Awards recognized 19 University of Tennessee Health Science Center researchers who, among other advances, won 14 patents during the year. The B. Otto and Kathleen Wheeley Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer went to Dr. Edward Chaum, Plough Foundation Professor of Retinal Diseases. Chaum, who joined UTHSC in 2000,… Read More

UTHSC team wins $1.6 million grant

The Commercial Appeal

A $1.58 million federal grant to a University of Tennessee Health Science Center team will fund research on scanning patients for amyloid, a combination of protein fibers and sugar molecules found in patients with Alzheimer’s, Type 2 diabetes and some other diseases.

Nursing Open Houses: Friday information sessions at UTHSC

The Commercial Appeal

Nursing Open Houses: Friday information sessions at University of Tennessee Health Science Center for anyone interested in a nursing career.