Publisher: The Commercial Appeal

UTHSC dental hygiene department in Memphis to move to dental college

The Commercial Appeal

By July 1, the Department of Dental Hygiene at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is moving from the College of Allied Health Sciences to a logical destination, the College of Dentistry.

Dr. Ashley Harkrider, chair of UT’s Dept. of Audiology and Speech Pathology, Quoted

The Commercial Appeal

UT and other universities with speech and audiology programs lobbied the legislature. In July 2011, the law was changed.

Donated works of art raise cash for UT medical school in Memphis

The Commercial Appeal

An online auction of more than 300 works of art by Memphis artist Paul Penczner on Wednesday collected more than $70,000 at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, according to officials at the Memphis school. Penczner died in 2010 at age 93 and his widow, Jolanda Penczner, donated works of art and the building that… Read More

How neuroscience can save Memphis: Jami Flick, Anne Zachry quoted

The Commercial Appeal

Anne Zachry, also an OT and professor for UT, educates and mentors teen moms through the Exchange Club Family Center’s First S.T.E.P.S. program. “We know how brains develop, or don’t, and how that impacts everything — behavior, learning, physical and mental health,” said Zachry, who also attended the conference. “We have the research. We need to… Read More

Demolition and construction are reshaping Memphis UT campus: Campus upgrades to help UTHSC attract top researchers

The Commercial Appeal

Heavy equipment demolished another chunk of the Goodman Family Residence Hall on Wednesday, and a former bus barn, Randolph Hall and the Feurt also are slated to bite the dust on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center campus. Meanwhile, a $49 million Translational Science Research Building is shaping up for its debut by the summer of… Read More

Mother’s campaign wins experimental drug for son at Memphis-based St. Jude

The Commercial Appeal

Dr. Ari VanderWalde, the new associate vice chancellor of clinical trial research at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center said cases like Josh’s are extremely complicated, highly charged and center not only on the patient seeking an unproven drug, but the risk of jeopardizing others in the future who would get it.

UTHSC Hosts Lifeblood Drive 3/12

The Commercial Appeal

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and Lifeblood host community blood drive: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday in the UTHSC General Education Building (rooms B201-B204), 8 S. Dunlap. Walk-ins are welcome. Call 901-529-6320 for an appointment. Visit

UTHSC neurologist envisions citywide stroke program

The Commercial Appeal

Dr. Andrei Alexandrov said he couldn’t make stroke specialists available citywide in Birmingham, so he’s moved to Memphis, where he believes he has a better shot. Alexandrov is moving in to his office at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Medicine, where he is the new chairman of the Department of Neurology, and Semmes-Murphey… Read More