Publisher: The Commercial Appeal

Dr. Adebiyi Lands Grants for kidney research, depression

The Commercial Appeal

Two University of Tennessee Health Science Center assistant professors have been awarded research grants, one for $1.5 million to study kidney function in newborns and another for $147,500 to research preventing depression.

Dr. Laizure Studies Caffeine

The Commercial Appeal

Professors at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) plan to be the first in the country to study how rapidly caffeine gets into the body after an energy drink is consumed or a caffeine powder is inhaled using an Aeroshot device. Dr. S. Casey Laizure, Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the UTHSC College… Read More

New department at UT in Memphis focuses on genetics

The Commercial Appeal

Robert W. Williams, an experimental neurogeneticist on the university’s faculty for 25 years, is the founding chairman of the new Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics.

Dr. Williams to Chair College of Medicine’s new Genetics Dept.

The Commercial Appeal

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine says it is forming new department on the Memphis campus, the Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics (GGI). Professor Robert W. Williams will serve as the department’s founding chair.

Dr. Fran Tylavsky Quoted in Good Health Memphis

The Commercial Appeal

“One of the healthiest things you can do is increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat,” she said.

At UTHSC in Memphis, it’s the college formerly known as Allied Health Sciences

The Commercial Appeal

It is now the College of Health Professions. And it’s the college formerly known as Allied Health Sciences.

Dr. Joan Han will tackle pediatric obesity at UT, Le Bonheur

The Commercial Appeal

A physician from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has been tapped to direct a new UT-Le Bonheur Pediatric Obesity Center and to lead other initiatives at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

UTHSC retakes reins of regional forensics

The Commercial Appeal

The County Commission this week awarded a $3.1 million contract to UTHSC to run the West Tennessee Regional Forensic Center and Shelby County Medical Examiner’s Office. The school plans to develop a Center of Excellence in Forensic Science.