Department: Office of Research

VCR and Governor’s Chair Join Other Experimental Biology and Medicine Leaders to Make the Case for Precision Epidemiology in COVID-19 Commentary


Two leaders from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center are among the seven notable global authors of an important commentary on COVID-19 that calls for the global initiation of Precision Epidemiology to fight the pandemic. The article, “COVID-19: Time for precision epidemiology,” was recently published in Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM). Two of the… Read More

UTHSC Team Awarded $1.7 Million for Opioid Addiction Research


A team of University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) researchers in the College of Medicine recently received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) award to study how genetic differences may explain why some people are more susceptible to opioid addiction than others. Hao Chen, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Pharmacology, Addiction Science,… Read More

UTHSC Researcher Receives NIH Award for Multimorbidity Research


A UTHSC researcher has been awarded an R15 grant from the National Institutes of Health for her work to identify and understand trends in age-related multimorbidity. Charisse Madlock-Brown, PhD, assistant professor in the Health Informatics and Information Management Program is the principal investigator on the study titled “Data-Driven Identification of Costly Multi-Morbidity Groupings and Their… Read More

Gosain Receives $2.1 M Grant for Hirschprung Enterocolitis Research


Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis (HAEC) is a life-threatening complication of Hirschsprung Disease, a common cause of intestinal obstruction in newborns. Hirschsprung Disease results from incomplete development of the enteric nervous system, or the “brain of the gut,” which is essential to life. HAEC affects 30 to 60 percent of infants with Hirshsprung Disease and is the leading… Read More

UTHSC Team Receives $3.3 Million Award to Study Antifungal Resistance


A team of UTHSC researchers in the College of Pharmacy has been awarded a $3.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for their study of drug-resistance mechanisms of a fungal pathogen responsible for fatal lung infections. Jarrod R. Fortwendel, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science, and P.… Read More

UTHSC Researcher Awarded $4.94 Million to Develop Novel Glaucoma Treatment


A researcher in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Medicine has been awarded a $4.94 million R24 grant from the National Institutes of Health to advance the development of a potential new drug therapy for glaucoma. Monica Jablonski, PhD, professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and associate dean of the Postdoctoral Office,… Read More

UTHSC Team Awarded $2.27 Million for New Breast Cancer Therapy Research


A research team at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has been awarded $2.27 million to study a potential next-generation treatment for late-stage breast cancer. Wei Li, PhD, professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and director of the UTHSC College of Pharmacy Drug Discovery Center, and Tiffany Seagroves, PhD, professor of Pathology in the UTHSC College… Read More

UTHSC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to Collaborate On Cancer Drug Discovery and Development Research


Researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will conduct collaborative research with the goal of developing better cancer treatments. Cancer stem cells are inherently resistant to radiation and chemotherapy and are responsible for the majority of cancer relapse cases. The team’s objective… Read More