Department: Office of Research

Monica Jablonski, PhD, Receives $1 Million Philanthropic Grant From Owen Locke Foundation


The Owen Locke Foundation awarded a $1 million philanthropic grant to Monica Jablonski, PhD, Hamilton Endowed Professor, vice chair, and director of Research in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, continuing its support of Dr. Jablonski’s research in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This second grant from the foundation continues… Read More

Zhongjie Sun Awarded $2.4 Million to Study Regulation of Kidney Function and Blood Pressure in Aging


Zhongjie Sun, MD, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Chair of Excellence in Physiology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and co-director of the UT Methodist Cardiovascular Institute, has been awarded $2.4 million from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for a project that may lead to new therapeutic strategies to… Read More

Student-Postdoc Dream Team Makes Waves With Self-Directed Research Project


A project that began out of curiosity has become something much more significant and potentially successful than recent graduate Rachel Perkins, PhD, and postdoc Isaac de Souza Araújo, PhD, had imagined. The two are making substantial strides in a collaborative independent research project funded by the College of Graduate Health Sciences’ Student Self-Directed Research Funding… Read More

After Three Decades, Knoxville Researcher Remains Passionate About His Work


Researcher Jonathan Wall took his PhD exam at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom on December 21, 1994, and started working at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Graduate School of Medicine (GSM) in Knoxville on January 16, 1995.   “I never went home for the graduation,” he says. “I actually had no idea… Read More

UT Health Science Center Leadership Applauds Appointment of New Executive Director for Statewide Research Innovation Institute


The announcement in February that researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center are part of a $20 million multi-institutional award from the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII) to develop new radiopharmaceutical cancer therapies signaled UT Health Science Center’s increasing role in high-profile collaborative research across the state. The appointment Thursday of… Read More

Chattanooga Research Team Plays Pivotal Role in International Study of AI-Guided Colonoscopy System


Researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine in Chattanooga were part of a major multicenter international study just published in the journal Lancet Digital Health. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for detecting polyps in screening and surveillance colonoscopy. Arslan Kahloon, MD, associate professor and… Read More

State of the University Presentation Advances Statewide Vision and Momentum


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is “building into the future” with statewide academic, clinical, research, and community partnerships, as it strives to improve the health of all Tennesseans, Chancellor Peter Buckley, MD, said in his recent State of the University presentation.  Tennessee ranks among the least-healthy states in America in lifestyle habits, overall… Read More

Researcher Awarded $1.5 Million to Continue Career-Long Research of Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcomes


In 2012, Shelley White-Means, PhD, read a study from the Sinai Urban Health Institute that reported Memphis had the largest disparity in deaths from breast cancer for Black women versus white women of any of the 25 largest cities in the United States. She had recently lost her mother to breast cancer, and she wanted… Read More