College: Pharmacy

Six Professors Receive UTAA Awards


Six faculty members at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) were honored recently by the University of Tennessee Alumni Association (UTAA). The awards were presented during the annual banquet of the Student Government Association Executive Council. Ashley W. Harkrider, PhD, College of Health Professions, and James Patrick Ryan, PhD, College of Medicine, received… Read More

Student Government Association Executive Council Honors Faculty and Student Leaders at Awards Banquet


A total of 12 UTHSC faculty members were honored with one of the most prestigious awards that can be granted from students to a faculty member, the SGAEC Excellence in Teaching Award. The honorees were recognized at this year’s SGAEC Awards Banquet held at the Student Alumni Center on May 3. The annual awards ceremony… Read More

UTHSC to Graduate 779 New Health Care Professionals this Month


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will graduate 779 new health care professionals at separate ceremonies for each of its six colleges from May 12 through May 27. The 779 graduates include: 123 from the College of Dentistry 77 from the College of Graduate Health Sciences 188 from the College of Health Professions 158… Read More

Inaugural CORNET Awards Ceremony at UTHSC Presents a Total of $422,504 to Nine New Collaborative Research Initiatives


Nine research grants were announced recently as the 2016 awardees for the inaugural University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) Collaborative Research Network (CORNET) Awards. Based on the ideals of cross-disciplinary team science, the CORNET Awards were created to stimulate innovative, interdisciplinary, team research that crosses not only UTHSC’s Memphis colleges, but also encourages collaboration… Read More

UTHSC’s Teaching and Learning Center Plans Events, Boosts Profile


The Teaching and Learning Center at UTHSC has ambitious aims: To help teachers teach, and students learn. “We will branch into all areas of teaching and learning here at UTHSC,” said Karen Shader, PhD, who joined UTHSC in January as the center’s associate director. The Teaching and Learning Center will host an open house with… Read More

UTHSC Students Make Beautiful Music Together


As a first-year medical student at UT Health Science Center, Peter Duden missed music. He had played tuba in an ensemble as an undergrad. “I missed the challenge of public performances,” he said. So he reached out to his fellow students via email, hoping to find others who wanted to perform. At first, he didn’t… Read More

New Personal Safety Features Coming to Campus


There’s a threatening situation at a business near your building, but you miss the notification because you’re away from your UTHSC email. You’re walking across campus alone at night, wishing you had someone with you. You’re headed to the parking garage, and realize no one else is around. Two new security features coming to UTHSC… Read More

The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Awards $15,000 Grants to Four UTHSC Faculty Members


Four faculty members at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center have received grants for $15,000 each from the University of Tennessee Research Foundation Maturation Funding Program. The program is designed to assist UT researchers to advance technologies that have the capacity for commercial success. The four grant recipients are Hassan Almoazen, PhD; Vanessa Morales-Tirado,… Read More