College: Pharmacy

UTHSC Makes ‘Top Workplaces’ List for Fourth Year


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has been named one of the 2017 Top Workplaces in the Greater Memphis area by The Commercial Appeal. It is the fourth consecutive year the university has achieved the designation. The recognition is based solely on employee surveys conducted for the newspaper by Energage, a leading research firm on organizational… Read More

APhA-ASP To Host Community Health Fair on December 1


On December 1, the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will host a community health fair in collaboration with Planned Parenthood and OUT Memphis, an advocacy organization for the LGBTQIA community. The event will take place from 1 p.m.-7 p.m. at the Sexton Community Center, located… Read More

Dean Marie Chisholm-Burns: Our Past Does Not Define Our Future


Editor’s note: This column by College of Pharmacy Dean Marie Chisholm-Burns first appeared in The Commercial  Appeal We are not defined by the circumstances of our birth. Values, determination and perseverance can overcome the bleakest of odds. These are the hard-won lessons I learned from my parents, Wylean and Arnold Chisholm. Both were raised in poor… Read More

UTHSC Partners to Build Research, Entrepreneurship, and Commercialization in Biosciences


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) in Memphis, Memphis Bioworks Foundation, and TriMetis Life Sciences today announced the establishment of a partnership focused on research, discovery, entrepreneurship, and commercialization in biosciences and technology at the university. At the heart of the partnership are the joint university appointments of Steve Bares, PhD, president and… Read More

UTHSC to Celebrate National Distance Learning Week November 6-10


  The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will celebrate National Distance Learning Week November 6-10. During this time, online and e-learning institutions across the nation will highlight distance education growth and its acceptance as a proven form of learning, while also educating faculty about distance learning and showcasing program accomplishments. Last fiscal year… Read More

UTHSC College of Pharmacy Wins National Diversity Award


The College of Pharmacy at the University of  Tennessee Health Science Center is the only pharmacy school in the country to receive the 2017 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education. More than 140 institutions applied for the honor,… Read More

‘Purple Night’ at UTHSC Celebrates Life


UT Health Science Center’s leading pancreatic cancer research team has received multimillion-dollar federal grants to study new markers and treatments for the disease. However, last Saturday night their research got personal, as the group stepped out of the lab and shared a meal with some of the people they are working so hard to help.… Read More

Free Flu Shots for UTHSC Campus October 16 at Boo Flu


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center wants to make sure you are doing your part on being protected from the flu virus this year by stopping by to receive a free flu vaccination at Boo Flu. The event will take place in the Madison Plaza Lobby on October 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.… Read More