College: Health Professions

UTHSC Researchers Sweep UT President’s Awards Five Years in a Row

Colleen Jonsson, PhD

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center recently announced its third record-breaking year for research grant awards. This effort to increase research awards by 43% over five years to $122.3 million has had multiple drivers. The reorganization of the Office of Research led by Steve Goodman, PhD, vice chancellor for Research, has made the environment… Read More

Rachel Kay Stevens Art Show and Auction Celebrates Five Years


The Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center will celebrate a milestone on Friday, August 27th as it hosts its fifth-annual Art Show and Auction. For the second year, the auction will be held online with bidding beginning at 8 a.m. The art show serves as the primary fundraiser for the Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center (RKSTC),… Read More

R. Barry Dale Named Chair of Physical Therapy for College of Health Professions


R. Barry Dale, DPT, PhD, MBA, has been named chair of the Department of Physical Therapy for the College of Health Professions at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He will begin his role July 30. “Dr. Dale brings significant experience to our college,” said Stephen E. Alway, PhD, FACSM, dean of the UTHSC… Read More

Chumbler Named Chair Diagnostic and Health Sciences and Associate Dean of Academic Development and Accreditation for Health Professions


Neale R. Chumbler, PhD, has been named to head two divisions within the College of Health Professions at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Beginning July 30, Dr. Chumbler will serve as chair of the Department of Diagnostic and Health Sciences (DDHS) and associate dean of Academic Development and Accreditation for the UTHSC College of Health Professions.

UTHSC Has Record-Breaking Year Securing $121 Million In Research Grants and Contract Awards

uthsc building with sign

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Office of Research announced that annual research grant and contract awards for FY21, which ended June 30, total more than $121 million, a 20.6% increase from last year. The FY21 research award total is $121,700,667. Roughly half of these funds come from federal sources. The faculty of all… Read More

UT System Launches Search for UTHSC Chancellor


The University of Tennessee System has launched the search for the next chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. UTHSC Chancellor Steve J. Schwab, MD, announced his retirement on June 1. He plans to serve until June 30, 2022, or until a successor is on board. “The University of Tennessee Health Science Center… Read More

Richey Appointed to UT Board of Trustees Education, Research, and Service Committee


Phyllis Richey, PhD, a professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been appointed to the Education, Research, and Service Committee of the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees. She will begin serving on the committee July 1 for a one-year term. “I am truly honored to have been selected to be the… Read More

UTHSC Leaders Receive UT President’s Awards


Two leaders from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, one an advocate for health equity and the other a researcher of highly pathogenic viruses, are among six employees honored with the 2021 UT President’s Awards announced today by President Randy Boyd during the UT Board of Trustees meeting at the UTHSC Memphis campus. Altha… Read More