Category: Education

New Advisory Board for UTHSC Meets February 14 in Memphis


The advisory board for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center established by the UT FOCUS Act passed by the state legislature will hold its inaugural meeting February 14, 2019, on the UTHSC campus in Memphis. The meeting will be in Suite 305 of the Student-Alumni Center, 800 Madison Avenue, from 1 until 4 p.m.… Read More

#takecare Campaign Continues to Aid Student Mental Health and Self-Care


Second-year UTHSC medical student Michael Brunner knew medical school would be one of the most difficult challenges he would ever face, but until he actually started attending, he didn’t understand how much his mental and emotional health could also be affected. Thanks to UTHSC’s #takecare initiative, he and other students are getting some relief, while… Read More

OED Hosts Stalking Awareness Workshop On Campus


January is Stalking Awareness Month, and the Office of Equity and Diversity (OED) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) hosted a workshop yesterday centered around the topic. Led by Kimberly Williams Collins, PhD, MS, counseling psychologist in University Health Services at UTHSC, the workshop entitled, “Stalking Isn’t Romantic: Healthy Relationships 101,” taught… Read More

Student National Medical Association to Host Dream BIG Conference January 19


Christian Salcedo, a second-year medical student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), has volunteered in the past for Dream BIG, a free community outreach conference for Shelby County middle and high school students. This year, however, he helped plan the event and is excited to see what comes of it. Now in… Read More

CRNA Concentration Grows as Attractive, Affordable Option


The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) concentration is available at UTHSC through the College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program and continues to grow. Fifty-eight students are now enrolled in the nurse anesthesia concentration. “The CRNA profession is very valuable,” said Dwayne Accardo, DNP, CRNA, program director of the CON’s nurse anesthesia concentration.… Read More

Focusing on Clinical Excellence


Check out the latest issue of the UTHSC College of Dentistry Magazine. In this issue you’ll meet the new dean, Dr. James Ragain and learn about his vision for clinical excellence; discover how the new Department of General Dentistry is improving continuity in dental education; find out the many ways the college is making dental… Read More

Meeting of New UTHSC Advisory Board Canceled


Due to scheduling conflicts, the inaugural meeting of the new advisory board for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, which was originally set for January 10 in Nashville, has been canceled. It will be rescheduled for a later date. Only a bare quorum of four members was available to attend the meeting. Although the… Read More

Dedicated to a Healthy Community


Check out the latest issue of the UTHSC College of Nursing magazine. In this issue you’ll discover the many ways the college is dedicated to building a healthy community in the Mid-South; learn about the Center for Community Partnerships and Nursing Innovation and how its forging local and global relationships; find out which universities are… Read More