Campus: Nashville

Paul Wesolowski Named Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships


After a national search, Paul J. Wesolowski, MBA, an accomplished health care leader, has been named the first-ever Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. The new position reflects UTHSC’s commitment to strengthening and expanding the clinical, educational, and all strategic partnerships across the state that are vital to… Read More

UTHSC Family Campaign A Success


The inaugural UTHSC Family Campaign surpassed its goal for donors by 124%. The monthlong campaign had 620 donors, well above its original goal of 500. The philanthropic campaign, which kicked off February 1 and ran through the month, encouraged members of the UTHSC family – faculty and staff –­ to support their workplace with a… Read More

UTHSC Graduate Medical Education Programs in Memphis, Nashville, Jackson Awarded Continued Accreditation


UTHSC Medical Residency, Fellowship Programs Across State Fully Accredited The College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center recently received continued accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for the university’s Graduate Medical Education (GME), medical residency and fellowship programs, in Memphis, Nashville, and Jackson. The College of Medicine’s… Read More

Three College of Pharmacy Residents Awarded APhA Foundation Incentive Grants


Residents Kaitlyn Kerley, Dakota Raines, and Kelsey Stephens Schreuders in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy’s Community-Based Pharmacy Residency program were selected as 2023 incentive grant recipients of the American Pharmacists Association Foundation. Each recipient has been awarded $1,000 to support their community pharmacy research projects. The APhA Foundation is a… Read More

Reginald Frye Named Dean of the UTHSC College of Pharmacy


After a national search, Reginald F. Frye, PharmD, PhD, FCCP, a renowned academic leader in pharmacogenetics, has been named dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He begins his tenure at UTHSC on June 1. Dr. Frye comes to UTHSC from the University of Florida (UF) College of… Read More

Pioneer of Rural Track Residency Passionate About Improving Health Care Access in Rural Communities


Growing up in rural Middle Tennessee, Thomas Atkins, MD, saw firsthand the need for improved access to health care outside of cities and metropolitan areas. “People in my community would have to decide between taking off work and driving all the way to Nashville to get care for something, or just dealing with being sick… Read More

Faculty, Staff Encouraged to Support UTHSC’s Inaugural Family Campaign


Michael Alston, EdD, associate vice chancellor for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity, and Chandra Alston, EdD, vice chancellor of Human Resources, both at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, are examples of intentional donors to the institutions where they work. With a combined 57 years of service in the UT System, they have donated in… Read More

Winter Medicine Magazine Showcases College of Medicine Achievements


Over the last year, the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has strengthened is relationships with partner hospitals across the state, expanded its educational and clinical reach, and grown its research funding. Shainberg Scholars Program Kicks Off Read about an exchange program designed to give fourth-year students the chance to… Read More