UTHSC Announcements

Performance Evaluations for calendar year January – December 2023


Performance Evaluations for calendar year January – December 2023, should be submitted to Human Resources by Sunday March 31, 2024.

Are you a student who has a hidden disability? This study may be for you.


I am conducting a research study to explore the experiences of graduate students at UTHSC who have hidden disabilities using individual interviews. Specifically, the researcher is interested in examining the perceptions of having a hidden disability, what factors influence when and if you disclose your disability to peers, professors, or institutional officials, and if you utilize institutional resources or accommodations. Participants will be compensated with a $25 amazon gift card. Contact Kimberly Williams, kwilli72@uthsc.edu, to enroll. African American and non-African American students may enroll.  

Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Create a Meaningful Online Learning Experience for Students?



TLC Webinar: Implementing Psychological Safety: Do Your Students Feel Safe to Learn in Your Course?



Enrolling healthy subjects for a research project


Drs. Theodore Cory and Santosh Kumar are enrolling African American women for a research
project “Isolation of Blood from Healthy Control Donors”, to find out how the immune system
responds to infection with infectious diseases.
Subjects must be between the ages of 18-50, and generally healthy. Subjects must not be
heavy alcohol users, use illicit substances, have liver damage, have HIV, the human
papillomavirus (HPV), or be pregnant.
Subjects will be asked to provide 4 tablespoons of blood in one blood draw and will be
compensated $25.
Please contact Dr. Theodore Cory at tcory1@uthsc.edu, or 901-448-7216.

Hamilton Eye Institute Lions Club to Host 7th Annual Race for Sight 5K


Join the Hamilton Eye Institute Lions Club for the seventh annual Brad Baker Honorary Race for Sight 5K! Funds raised from this race go toward providing eye care for those less fortunate in the Mid-South region and abroad. Don’t feel like running? You can also be a virtual/spirit runner! Register here: https://tinyurl.com/RaceforSight24

Currently Recruiting for Blood Fats and Diabetes Risk Study


Are you a healthy adult male or female, African American or Caucasian, between the ages 18-65 who has normal blood sugars and no personal or family history of diabetes.

The Bone Doctor’s Concerto: Music, Surgery, and the Pieces in Between. Book signing and Reception with Dr. Alvin Crawford


Join Dr. Alvin Crawford for a reception and book signing of his autobiography on Monday, February 26!