Tag: Tennessee Population Health Consortium

UT Health Science Center and UT Extension Collaborate to Bring Health Hubs to Two Rural Counties

Dr. Bailey

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Tennessee Population Health Consortium is piloting a program aimed at closing the health care gap for rural Tennessee counties. Under the UT Extension Rural Health Hubs initiative, health coaches are being placed in University of Tennessee Extension Offices in Hardin and Decatur counties to bring essential primary and preventive… Read More

Soulsville Heart Health Summit Emphasizes Community Collaboration to Increase Access to Care


Community-led collaboration was a key theme at the two-day Soulsville Heart Health Summit August 9 and 10 at Stax Museum of American Soul Music, the first annual meeting of the Tennessee Heart Health Network in partnership with the Soulsville Foundation. The network is the signature project of the Tennessee Population Health Consortium at the University… Read More

$6 Million Awarded to Jim Bailey, MD, and Team at UTHSC to Expand Tennessee Heart Health Network


The Tennessee Heart Health Network, an initiative of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has received a $6 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue and expand its work to improve heart health across Tennessee over the next five years. The Tennessee Heart Health Network Innovative Cardiovascular Disease Program… Read More

UTHSC Physician Takes Research into Community to Improve Health


Basic science research occurs in the lab. At the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, the work of Dr. Jim Bailey and his team occurs at the other end of the research spectrum—in the community. Dr. Bailey, the Robert S. Pearce Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine, serves as the principal investigator for the Tennessee Heart… Read More

UTHSC Awarded Grant to Help Primary Care Practices in West Tennessee Hire Health Coaches


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has received a $40,000 grant from UnitedHealthcare to help West Tennessee primary care practices in UTHSC’s Tennessee Heart Health Network hire, train, and deploy health coaches. UnitedHealthcare proudly partners with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to strengthen primary care to ensure that every Tennessean has access… Read More

UTHSC Launches New Statewide Initiative to Improve Population Health


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center recently launched a new statewide initiative aimed at improving Tennesseans’ health outcomes, quality of life, and health equity. The Tennessee Population Health Consortium is dedicated to transforming primary care practices in Tennessee. Jim Bailey, MD, Robert S. Pearce Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine, professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine,… Read More

UTHSC Researchers Awarded $4.5 Million to Launch New Tennessee Heart Health Network


Researchers from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center have received a $4.5 million grant over three years from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to lead a statewide network of primary care providers, health systems, and academic centers to identify, develop, and implement patient-centered approaches to improve quality of care and outcomes… Read More