Tag: Rachel Perkins

Student-Postdoc Dream Team Makes Waves With Self-Directed Research Project


A project that began out of curiosity has become something much more significant and potentially successful than recent graduate Rachel Perkins, PhD, and postdoc Isaac de Souza Araújo, PhD, had imagined. The two are making substantial strides in a collaborative independent research project funded by the College of Graduate Health Sciences’ Student Self-Directed Research Funding… Read More

Student from Eritrea Finds Success Researching Obesity in Women


With Lidya Gebreyesus’ passion for studying female health, it was fitting that she was one of two women to win prizes at the Three Minute Thesis competition sponsored recently by the Graduate Student Executive Council and the College of Graduate Health Sciences at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Gebreyesus is a second-year student… Read More