Tag: Power 100

Chancellor Peter Buckley Privileged to Be Recognized Among Memphis’ Business Leaders

Peter Buckley

For the third year in a row, the Memphis Business Journal has included Peter Buckley, MD, chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, on its Power 100 list. Compiled by the Memphis Business Journal’s editorial team, the list profiles the 100 most influential people in business in Memphis and the Mid-South. It recognizes… Read More

Chancellor Buckley Named Among 100 Most Powerful People in Memphis Business


Peter Buckley, MD, chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been recognized in the Memphis Business Journal’s list of the 100 most influential people in Mid-South business for the second time. The Memphis Business Journal (MBJ) editorial team compiles the Power 100 list each year to profile outstanding leaders from sports, education,… Read More

UTHSC’s Kennard Brown Honored for Outstanding Leadership Locally and Statewide

UTHSC's Kennard Brown was honored this week by the Tennessee General Assembly for his work on behalf of the university and the community.

Kennard Brown, JD, MPA, PhD, FACHE, executive vice chancellor and chief operations officer for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has received statewide and local honors recently for his work to improve the university and the health and well-being of the citizens of Tennessee. Dr. Brown was honored Monday night by the Tennessee Legislature with… Read More

UTHSC’s Kennard Brown Named Among 100 Most Powerful People in Memphis Business


When Kennard Brown, JD, MPA, PhD, FACHE, looks the University of Tennessee Health Science Center today, he sees a very different campus than he did when he joined the university roughly 20 years ago. New state-of-the-art buildings, greatly improved security measures, and strong collaborations with key community partners have helped raised the profile of the… Read More