Tag: Doctor of Nursing Practice

College of Nursing Expands Doctor of Nursing Practice to Develop Nursing Executives

Photo arches with dental building behind

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing has opened a new Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree track to educate aspiring nurse executives. “Bringing our nurse executive DNP online expands our opportunity to build nurse leaders, something for which the college is well-known,” said Dean Wendy Likes, PhD, DNSc, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAANP.… Read More

College of Nursing’s Doctoral Program Ranked 25th by U.S. News & World Report


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Nursing continues its strong showing among Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs nationwide with a No. 25 ranking by U.S. News & World Report for its DNP program on the magazine’s Best Graduate Schools list for 2024. The college’s DNP program has been ranked in the… Read More

Resilience, Community Support Push Midwifery Student toward Goal after Tragedy

Allison Doyle looks through a microscope.

Empowering. That is how Alison Doyle describes the care she received from a midwife during her first pregnancy at age 20. “She was really compassionate and caring and encouraged us to read books about childbirth and research all the recommendations she made,” Doyle said. “I wanted everyone to be treated this way.” National Midwifery Week… Read More

College of Nursing Alumnae to be Featured on TODAY Friday

The pair were filmed doing what they do together, taking care of the people of rural Erin, Tennessee. The footage will be shown during their live interview in New York Friday at 8 a.m. EST (7 a.m. CST).

An alumna of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Nursing and her daughter, who is graduating from the college next week, will be featured in the Mother’s Day coverage of NBC’s TODAY show in New York City on Friday, May 6, the first day of National Nurses Week. Alumna Robin Black, FNP-BC,… Read More

UTHSC Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy Earns Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree at 72


Among the 149 recent winter graduates of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is a Professor Emeritus from the College of Pharmacy, who has earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree at age 72. “I suppose I am one of those lifelong learners,” said Candace Brown, PharmD, DNP, who received a DNP degree… Read More

UTHSC’s College of Nursing Retains Spot in Top 25 DNP Programs in U.S.


The College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee Health Science held its position in the Top 25 “Best Nursing Schools with Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs” in the country, according to the new 2020 Best Graduate Schools rankings by U.S. News & World Report. The UTHSC College of Nursing tied at No. 24 with… Read More

UTHSC College of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Ranked No. 23 in the Country by U.S. News & World Report


The College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center was recently ranked 23rd in the country for its Doctor of Nursing Practice program (DNP) in the 2019 Best Graduate Schools listing by U.S. News & World Report. The Doctor of Nursing Practice program received the recognition among 552 nursing schools with master’s… Read More