Tag: Colleges

Patient Safety Training Series for More Than 200 Area Health Care Workers Uses High-Tech Patient Simulators


As part of its increasing emphasis on interprofessional education, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) is bringing together more than 200 students, residents, nurses, physicians and health care workers Oct. 21-23 for a unique, interactive patient safety training series.

The Hamilton Eye Institute at UTHSC Hosts Annual Sir Harold Ridley Distinguished Visiting Professorship Lecture


On Thursday, Oct. 23, the Hamilton Eye Institute (HEI) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will host its thirteenth annual Sir Harold Ridley Distinguished Visiting Professorship for Creativity and Innovation in Medicine and Ophthalmology.

Affordable Care Act Works for Most, But Not All, Concludes Paper by UTHSC’s Ilana Graetz, Published in Annals of Internal Medicine


While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) put health insurance coverage within reach of most Americans, it does leave some groups without affordable options, according to a paper by researchers from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) that was published by the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine.

Vitamin D Study


1 in 3 adults is at risk for developing diabetes. Are you one of them? If you have a parent, sister or brother with diabetes, you may be at risk for developing diabetes. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is conducting a diabetes prevention research study for people over age 30 who are at… Read More

Kristen Hedger Archbold Named Associate Dean for Nursing Research for The University of Tennessee Health Science Center


Wendy M. Likes, PhD, DNSc, APRN-BC, interim dean of the College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), has named Kristen Archbold, RN, PhD, as associate dean for Nursing Research, effective immediately.

Rogers NIH Study Section Member


David Rogers, PharmD, PhD, professor of Clinical Pharmacy and vice chair of Research, has been formally invited to become a member of the Drug Discovery and Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance Study Section at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He will serve for a six-year term. Dr. Rogers was selected on the basis of his… Read More

SNPhA National Chapter of the Year


Once again, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) was named Chapter of the Year at the organization’s 2014 National Conference, which was held in Arlington, VA July 18-21. This is the second consecutive win for this chapter. Many chapter achievements were recognized at this meeting. The… Read More

Dickey Appointed to APhA Policy Committee


Fourth year student pharmacist, Susan Dickey was recently appointed as the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Academy of Student Pharmacists (ASP) representative on the APhA Policy Committee for 2014. The APhA-ASP National Executive Committee and the APhA-ASP Staff discuss and nominate one student pharmacist. This nomination is given to the Chair of APhA Policy Committee, who… Read More