People: Student News

Second Annual Race for the Summitt 4-Miler!


The Second Annual Race for the Summitt 4-Miler benefiting The Pat Summitt Foundation will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 9am here on the UTHSC campus! The event, hosted by The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy’s American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter, supports the former Lady… Read More

Dickey Wins APhA Foundation Scholarship


Susan Dickey, third year student pharmacist, was awarded the Sam Kalman American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation Scholarship. This national scholarship is bestowed upon students who demonstrate exceptional academic and leadership skills to shape the future of the pharmacy profession through involvement in their APhA-ASP chapter. Dickey will be formally recognized the at the APhA Foundation… Read More

Henderson Awarded FDA Rotation in Division of Drug Information


Brian Henderson, third year student pharmacist, has been selected for a rotation at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Division of Drug Information. Henderson was chosen for this experience from a national pool of applicants and will travel to Washington D.C. for the month of January 2015. As part of the rotation, Brian will have… Read More

Herrera ASPEN Nutrition Support Pharmacist New Practitioner Awardee


Dr. Oscar Herrera received the Nutrition Support Pharmacist New Practitioner Recognition Award on January 19th at the Pharmacy Practice Section meeting of Clinical Nutrition Week in Savannah, Georgia.  Dr. Herrera is Fellow of Pediatric Nutrition and Metabolic Support in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy working with professor and chair, Dr. Rich Helms.  This recognition honors… Read More

UTHSC Welcomes Its First Physician Assistant Studies Class


Johnna Tanner, PA Program Department Chair, reports that as the only Physician Assistant program in the state that is associated with a public university, the mission of the program at UTHSC is to prepare a diverse group of highly skilled Physician Assistant practitioners who are dedicated to improving access and providing high quality care. With… Read More

A Day in the Life photo shoot


The 2014 Yearbook Staff is inviting all students, faculty and staff to take part in showing all that goes on during a day at UTHSC. Here’s how: On Wednesday, Feb. 5, shoot photographs of UTHSC faculty, staff and students as they take part in the day’s activities. (Big Important Note: Please observe HIPPA regulations and… Read More

College of Allied Health Sciences at UTHSC Invites Prospective Students to Open House on February 21


On Friday, Feb. 21, the College of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will host an open house for prospective students from 2 to 4 p.m. The college is searching for prospective students with required college-level prerequisites for its next classes in dental hygiene, physician assistant studies, physical therapy,… Read More

UTHSC Graduates 45 Health Care Professionals on December 13


On Friday, December 13, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) will graduate 45 health care professionals. The commencement ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. in Schreier Auditorium on the first floor of the Student-Alumni Center, 800 Madison Avenue. UTHSC Chancellor Steve J. Schwab, MD, will preside over the ceremony. Keith Carver, PhD,… Read More