People: Faculty News

Monica Jablonski, PhD, Receives $1 Million Philanthropic Grant From Owen Locke Foundation


The Owen Locke Foundation awarded a $1 million philanthropic grant to Monica Jablonski, PhD, Hamilton Endowed Professor, vice chair, and director of Research in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, continuing its support of Dr. Jablonski’s research in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This second grant from the foundation continues… Read More

Zhongjie Sun Awarded $2.4 Million to Study Regulation of Kidney Function and Blood Pressure in Aging


Zhongjie Sun, MD, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Chair of Excellence in Physiology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and co-director of the UT Methodist Cardiovascular Institute, has been awarded $2.4 million from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for a project that may lead to new therapeutic strategies to… Read More

Frayser Community Urban Garden Helps ‘Change the Narrative’ of the Community


The Frayser Community Urban Garden recently won the City of Memphis’ first Community Beautification Pitch Competition, a competition for individuals to pitch to the Memphis City Council on projects focusing on improving neighborhoods. The Frayser Community Urban Garden was established in a collaboration between UT Health Science Center’s College of Medicine and its Board of… Read More

UT Health Science Center Campus Police Joins National Seat Belt Campaign


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Campus Police Department is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office in the “Click it or Ticket” campaign from May 20 to June 2, to increase seat belt enforcement as a part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s nationwide mobilization. During this campaign, Campus Police will heavily… Read More

Campus Police Awarded Second Tennessee Law Enforcement Accreditation


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Campus Police Department has been awarded its second Tennessee Law Enforcement Accreditation (TLEA) from the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police (TACP). The accreditation recognizes significant professional achievement, the use of written directives, policies, and procedures that are operationally successful, and the fulfillment of TLEA program standards. “I… Read More

PACTS to Bring Together Experts, Providers on Bridging Gaps in Mental Health Care for Children After COVID


The Center for Youth Advocacy and Well-Being and the Office of Community Health Engagement at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, in partnership with the University of Memphis School of Social Work and the Tennessee Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, will host the 2024 Psychiatric Advocacy Collaborative Teams Summit (PACTS) Saturday, May 11,… Read More

Dr. Samuel Dagogo-Jack Receives National Award for Achievement in Diabetes Research

Dr. Samuel Dagogo-Jack

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has selected Samuel Dagogo-Jack, MD, DSc, chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes and director of the Clinical Research Center at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, as the recipient of its 2024 Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Diabetes Research Award. The award, which is one of the… Read More

UT Health Science Center’s Audiology Program Ranks No. 22 in Nation


The Doctor of Audiology (AuD) program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has climbed into the top 25 of audiology programs nationwide, ranking No. 22 in the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools list for 2024. The AuD program moved up four spots from its previous ranking of No. 26 in… Read More