People: Alumni

Sixth-Annual Cataract-A-Thon Aims to Restore Sight to 25


During the sixth-annual Ivan Marais Cataract-A-Thon at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Hamilton Eye Institute (HEI) Saturday, June 3, physicians will perform cataract surgeries at no cost to restore the sight to 25 individuals, who otherwise could not afford the surgery. The all-day outreach begins at roughly 7 a.m., in the third-floor surgery center at… Read More

Alumnus Dedicated to Helping College of Dentistry Train the Best Dentists Possible


As an oral surgeon in Alabama, Hank McKay, DDS, has seen the difference a UTHSC education makes in a dentist’s career. “Working in Birmingham, we get calls all the time from dentists here in town wanting to know if we could hook them up with a Tennessee (UTHSC) graduate, because when Tennessee graduates get out… Read More

UTHSC College of Nursing Dedicates Dr. Margaret A. Newman Center for Nursing Theory


Alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center gathered today for a ribbon-cutting and dedication for the Dr. Margaret A. Newman Center for Nursing Theory, which honors the late UTHSC alumna, Memphis native, and internationally known nurse theorist after whom it is named. The midday… Read More

UTHSC College of Medicine Ranked No. 24 in U.S. for Primary Care


The College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is ranked No. 24 for Best Medical Schools for Primary Care, according the new U.S. News & World Report 2023-2024 Best Graduate Schools ranking. The UTHSC College of Medicine tied for the No. 24 slot in primary care with the University of Alabama… Read More

2023 Graduate Health Sciences Magazine Highlights Success of Students, Faculty, Alumni


The Spring 2023 issue of the College of Graduate Health Sciences Magazine showcases how the college provides a pathway to success for its students and scholars, offering opportunities to accomplish great things while studying and researching and setting them up for a successful and impactful career. Supporting Independence Learn how the college’s new Trainee Support… Read More

UTHSC Nursing Mobile Health Unit Unveiled


Academic, political, and community leaders; nursing professionals; and students gathered today at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to celebrate the unveiling and ribbon cutting for the UTHSC Nursing Mobile Health unit, which will help expand health care in two rural West Tennessee counties. The ceremony in front of the Mooney Building in the… Read More

College of Med. African American Alumni Reunion Honors Dr. Beverly Williams-Cleaves, Raises Funds for Underrepresented Students in Medicine


African American graduates of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Medicine recently gathered in Memphis for their second reunion weekend. The event brought together alumni from across the country to reconnect with classmates and friends, tour campus facilities, engage with College of Medicine leaders, support current and future students, and pay tribute… Read More

Spring 2023 Commencement a Family Affair for Many


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s 2023 spring commencement was a family celebration for the Price family. Madison Price received her Doctor of Pharmacy Degree at Monday’s ceremony at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts in Memphis, making her a fourth-generation UTHSC graduate. She is following in the footsteps of multiple family members:… Read More