Memphis Institute of Regenerative Medicine Recruits Global Scientific Conference to Memphis


The Memphis Institute of Regenerative Medicine (MIRM) is hosting a major international scientific conference in Memphis this fall with the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine (SEBM) and its journal Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM). The International Experimental Biology and Medicine Conference (IEBMC) is slated for October 8-10, 2021 at the Central Station Hotel in… Read More

UTHSC Advisory Board Approves FY22 Budget Proposal


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Advisory Board Wednesday unanimously approved the university’s proposed operating budget of $633.8 million for FY 2022. While the budget holds tuition steady, it proposes raising the minimum wage at the university to $16 an hour and includes $5.2 million in infrastructure support. It will go to the UT… Read More

Wall Appointed A University Distinguished Professor at UTHSC


Jonathan Wall, PhD, a professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Graduate School of Medicine (GSM) in Knoxville, has been appointed as a University Distinguished Professor. The title is reserved for those who have contributed in a superlative way to UTHSC and brought distinction and respect to the university. Dr. Wall’s appointment comes… Read More

Mire Named President-Elect of the American College of Physicians


Ryan D. Mire, MD, FACP, an alumnus of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Medicine, was named president-elect of the American College of Physicians (ACP) during the organization’s Annual Business Meeting May 2. The ACP represents internal medicine physicians, related subspecialists, and medical students. It is the largest medical specialty organization and… Read More

Clinical Trials Network Successful in Bringing Significant Trials to UTHSC, COVID-19 Therapeutics Trial the Latest


The Clinical Trials Network of Tennessee (CTN2) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has contracted a new clinical trial to test possible therapeutics for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. This new trial brings the total generated by CTN2 contracts for the university to nearly $7 million. Since its launch in 2018, CTN2 has brought… Read More

Michael Alston Named Associate Vice Chancellor For Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity at UTHSC


Michael Alston, EdD, CCDP/AP, assistant vice chancellor for Equity and Diversity, Title IX coordinator, and chief diversity officer at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been named to the new position of associate vice chancellor for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity at UTHSC. The appointment is effective June 30. Additionally, the Office of Equity… Read More

Internal Search for Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs Underway


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) is conducting an internal, systemwide search for its next vice chancellor for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs and chief academic officer. Directly reporting to Chancellor Steve Schwab, MD, and a member of the university’s senior administrative team, the vice chancellor for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs works… Read More

TLC’s Medallion Program Provides Unique, Tailored Learning Experience for UTHSC Educators


As a new instructor in the Dental Hygiene program in the College of Dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science, Kiesha Werlitz, RDH, MS, found participating in and completing her first medallion in the Teaching and Learning Center’s Medallion Program beneficial. “Being new to teaching, there were so many takeaways,” she said. “The assignments… Read More