UTHSC 2nd Among Non-Black Medical Schools for Black Graduates
|UTHSC 2nd Among Non-Historically Black Med Schools for Graduating African-Americans in 2011
UTHSC 2nd Among Non-Historically Black Med Schools for Graduating African-Americans in 2011
Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities Gets $3,700 Grant from IP
College of Nursing at UTHSC Awards 2013 Outstanding Alumna, Most Supportive Alumna
A student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) went to a pharmacy convention in California and came home with a new car, a motorcycle, cash and more. Shrikant Patel was the only first-year UTHSC pharmacy student who joined a group of 29 second-year pharmacy students recently to attend the annual meeting of… Read More
Professor Eldon E. Geisert of UTHSC Receives $1.5 Million Grant to Study Genetics, Risk of Glaucoma
UTHSC Associate Professor Kui Li, Phd, Receives $1.56 Million in Grants to Study Hepatitis C
UTHSC Associate Professor David R. Nelson and Colleagues Find Genes Central to Vertebrate Biology
UTHSC Office of Biomedical Informatics Chosen as 2013 Computerworld Honors Laureate