Dr. Dryden Baumfalk, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Molecular Cardiology and Myology at the University of Florida, will present “The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Chemotherapy Associated Toxicity” at Noon (CST) Wednesday, 11/29/2023
ZOOM information jtwitche@uthsc.edu
The President’s Column provides periodic updates to the community regarding the University of Tennessee System, and spotlights key issues and topics affecting the UT System and its campuses. While this column is distributed to our media partners across the state, we also wanted to share a copy with you. There persists a long-standing misconception that universities function as isolated ivory… Read More
-Men and women
-Ages 18 and older
-No neurological injury or disease
A phone screening interview, collection of demographic information and medical history, and 2 sessions of pencil and paper testing in UTSHC 874 Union Avenue, scheduled at your convenience.
Each visit will last up to 1 hour.
You will be compensated with a $25 gift card from Walmart for each session.
If interested, send your contact information to control@uthsc.edu to learn more.
Join us for this week’s Medicine Grand Rounds presented by Dr. Ulrike Reiss. This presentation will be in person at the Freeman Auditorium in the Hamilton Eye Institute.
Please join us in celebrating Kathy Lovett’s 30 years at UTHSC. Guest may come and go on December 1 between the hours of 12:00pm and 2:00pm to the Mooney Library, to extend their congratulations to Kathy. Refreshments will be served at noon, guest speakers will present after. Guests must RSVP at this link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=2RNYUX1x3UWeypqhnAnW-at_m9CuGRhCoLDXyo6yolpUODJLVlU0VU5UNzNLVFYwMllIMlJZUFdDSC4u
This lecture will provide an overview of the history of the relationships between humans and plants, with a focus on how human health and plant health are related both historically and to the current day.