Listserv: Faculty Listserv

Are You a Student with a Hidden Disability? You may Qualify for a Study and Receive Compensation!


Kimberly Williams MS, PhD(C) is enrolling African American and non-African American students for a research study “Exploring the Matriculation and Resource Utilization of African Americans with Hidden Disabilities in the Health Sciences” to understand your experiences of having as disability and being a student in the Health Sciences. Subjects must be 18 or older, enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC, and be of any race. Subjects will be asked to complete a brief demographic survey and do a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person. At the completion of the interview, students will be compensated with a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Please contact Kimberly Williams at or 901-448-1343.

IMARIS WORSHOP. 3D/4D Visualization &Analysis


IMARIS software Worshop. Tuesday April 23th. 9:30am-3:30pm. Lecture and 1:1 data analysis sessions at the Neuroscience Institute Imaging Center.

Hire Local 901: Security Officer Training Program


Hire Local Free Security Officer Training Program May 13- May 24. Application Deadline May 3.

HIRELOCAL901.COM/JOBSEEKER or 901-552-4781

UTHSC Center for Cancer Research, Grand Rounds, Join us Tuesday, April 16th at 12PM, CRB Room114


UTHSC Center for Cancer Research, Grand Rounds Seminar Presents
Speaker: Lawrence Pfeffer, PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology, UTHSC
Topic:“Targeting the BRG1 sub unit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in brain cancer”
Date and Time: Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST
Virtual Meeting
Zoom ID:865 8544 0805/ Meeting pass code: 105040

TLC (TEI) Workshop: Improve Critical Thinking in the Clinical Learning Environment


Special webinar for clinical educators

Cybersecurity Tip of the Week – Spring Cleaning


Spending time each month or quarter to ensure your computer is working to the best of its ability reduces risk and mitigates damage from cyberattacks and crashes. Read more for some tasks you should perform during your Spring Cleaning!

REGISTER NOW!!! Population Health Research Conference


The May 1st Population Health Research Conference presents “Translation of Sickle Cell Research- Sickle Cell Bootcamp” by Keesha Roach, PhD, MSN, Assistant Professor in Dept of Community and Population Health at 12 Noon. Available via Zoom or in person in the Crowe Building, Conference Room 208. Lunch at 11:45, first come first served. Certificate of attendance available.
Please register: Research Conference Registration May 1 2024
1 CME/CEU credits provided

**If you do not have a CE Now account and you would like to claim CE credit for this session, please go to and create an account.**
AMA Credit Designation: The University of Tennessee College of Medicine (UTCOM) designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Continuing Education for Non-Physicians: The UTCOM will issue Certificates of Participation to non-physicians for participating in this activity and designates it for CEUs using the national standard that 1 hour of educational instruction is awarded .1 CEU.
Accreditation: The UTCOM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Building Connected Communities Education Event 


Join the Office of Access and Compliance for a lunch and learn featuring the Shelby County Rape Crisis Center.  Learn prevention measures and how to advocate for survivors of sexual assault in our community.