In the Media Tag: Scott Strome

COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody treatment is in high demand in the Mid-South. So where can you get it? What does it do?

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If you have been exposed to COVID-19 and are considered high risk for COVID complications, you may be able get a monoclonal antibody treatment, even if you have not tested positive for the virus.Earlier this month, the FDA authorized emergency use of REGEN-COV, an antibody therapy for people with known exposures. You can receive treatment… Read More

UTHSC predicts hospitalizations in Shelby County will reach record-breaking levels next week


The graph below by the University of Tennessee showed Shelby County hospitalizations since March of 2020. At the very end, there is a projected uptick higher than any other. Now some health officials and experts are concerned that hospitals may not be able to handle the surge.

Bridge the Great Health Divide: Doctor shortage in the Mid-South

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The issue of too many people and not enough doctors has been an issue that’s plagued parts of the Mid-South for decades. The Association of American Medical Colleges projects the country will face a shortage of between 54-THOUSAND to 139-THOUSAND physicians by 2033. In the Mid-South, health officials say the shortage is due to a… Read More

Mid-South churches taking safety precautions as COVID-19 cases surge

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It was May of last year when Tennessee Governor Bill Lee issued guidance for reopening churches. Since then, it’s been a multitude of difficult decisions about how and when to come back to in-person worship service and once again, they’re having to make more decisions as COVID-19 cases continue to rise.

‘Like being thirsty and not drinking,’ doctor says of those opting out of vaccines

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Dr. Scott Strome of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center joins Morning Joe to discuss how vaccines have been politicized in the U.S. and virus infection rates in Tennessee.

Doctor pleads with unvaccinated Mid-Southerners

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New COVID-19 cases continue to soar across the Mid-South as the highly contagious Delta variant threatens to ruin much of the progress communities have made fighting the virus. Doctors are pleading with the unvaccinated to do their part to bring the pandemic under control and to save their own lives. “It’s just so sad to… Read More

Emergency COVID-19 hospital in Memphis closes without ever treating a patient


A planned emergency overflow hospital for COVID-19 patients in Memphis has been decommissioned without ever being used, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency said Monday. The hospital was located in the 125,000-square-foot building at 495 Union Ave. formerly occupied by The Commercial Appeal newspaper offices. The building was renovated to make bed space for 402 COVID-19… Read More

COVID-19 hospitalizations, ICU beds on the rise in Mid-South

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Across the Mid-South, the new strain has proven to be deadly in some places and now it’s even putting children in the ICU.“I just want them vaccinated so they stay alive that’s the simple thing for me, I just want people vaccinated so they stay alive,” said Dean Scott Strome, UTHSC College of Medicine Executive… Read More