In the Media Tag: regional biocontainment

UTHSC Adds Infectious Disease Institute

The Daily News

Dr. Colleen Jonsson, director of the Regional Biocontainment Laboratory at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, will be taking her work in infectious disease research to a new level as director of a new institute at UTHSC. The Institute for the Study of Host-Pathogen Systems will include collecting infectious disease research among a group… Read More

Preparing For Bio-terrorism Threat In The Mid-South

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The University of Tennessee Health Science Center partnered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Memphis to host a workshop to train public health and safety officials, epidemiologists, law enforcement officials, first responders and civilian support teams how to best work together to respond in the event of a bio-terrorism threat.

UTHSC partners with FBI on bioterrorism response workshop

The Memphis Business Journal

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Memphis in a two-day workshop to help public health and safety officials, epidemiologists, law enforcement officials, first responders and civilian support teams identify how to work together to respond in the event of a bioterrorism threat.