In the Media Tag: Erlanger

Cooper: Erlanger-UT agreement is needed

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We can’t see Kevin Spiegel’s bottom line, and he’s not showing it, but it seems inconceivable that an equitable way cannot be worked out that would allow Erlanger Health System to continue its relationship with the University of Tennessee College of Medicine.

Erlanger-UT continue ironing out disputes

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In the months-long dispute between Erlanger Health System and the University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga, a local hospital urged Erlanger’s board of trustees to continue allowing doctors to do some of their training at other area hospitals. The practice has surfaced as one of the issues between Erlanger and the university following a… Read More

Erlanger, UT debate remains unresolved

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The chairman of Erlanger Health System’s board of trustees said he is confident the hospital can resolve its conflict with the University of Tennessee College of Medicine over how its teaching program operates. Control over the physician training program at Erlanger Health System appears to be at the heart of a simmering dispute between the… Read More

Dr. Shack Named Dean Of UT Health Science Center College Of Medicine And Senior Vice President, Erlanger

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In making the appointment, David Stern, MD, Robert Kaplan Executive Dean of the College of Medicine, said UTHSC is “delighted and honored” that Dr. Shack will lead the college’s Chattanooga campus.