Publisher: Medpage Today

Morning Break: Suicide Surge; Google Salutes Apgar; Hooked on Vaping

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With CDC data showing a 25% increase in the suicide rate in the New Millennium, advice about how to get help for someone who might be suicidal is in order. (CNN) In sadly related news, celebrity chef, author, and TV travel show host Anthony Bourdain apparently took his own life in a French hotel. (CNN)… Read More

‘Smart Medicine’ should nip type 2 diabetes in the bud

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Type 2 diabetes is preceded sometimes up to years by the stage of prediabetes. The more attention healthcare professionals put on identifying and treating patients during this stage can significantly slow or sometimes even prevent the progression to diabetes altogether, says Samuel Dagogo-Jack. In this exclusive MedPage Today video, Dagogo-Jack, MD, of Chief, Division of… Read More

Dr. Karen C. Johnson joins the ‘Great Salt Debate’

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Karen C. Johnson, MD, MPH, professor of preventive medicine at University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis, joined the FDA in discussing salt in the American diet.

Dr. Muneeza Khan Quoted on Medical Scribes

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The participants … are …  Muneeza Khan, MD, chair, Department of Family Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis …    

Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

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“I do think that SPRING will inform our hypertension models,” said Dr. Karen Johnson, College of Medicine Endowed Professor in Women’s Health, UTHSC

Pneumonia Marker Linked to Higher Readmissions

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… too few people were treated using the PCT algorithm, according to Muthiah Muthiah, MD, of the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis …

‘Mutant’ Lice More Hype Than Headache

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When the standard over-the-counter treatments don’t work immediately, that does not mean that the lice must be resistant. Though it’s possible that the lice may have the genes for resistance, often the problem is actually a failure to follow the treatment instructions, according to Lauren Mutrie, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics and global health at… Read More

Expanding Options to Treat Obesity

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Aidar R. Gosmanov, MD, PhD, FACE, a practicing endocrinologist and associate professor of medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis