Publisher: Daily Memphian

UTHSC’s master plan adds significant infrastructure

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In three to five years, the 80-acre University of Tennessee Health Science Center campus in the heart of the Medical District could have $500 million worth of new construction. To show how it will tie in with research goals and human factors such as safety and accessibility, campus leaders invited the public in Tuesday, Feb.… Read More

‘Do I have coronavirus or the flu?’ The answer is simple

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You have a fever and a cough. How do you know if this is the flu or the new coronavirus that is sweeping across continents and upheaving travel and daily plans of millions if not billions of individuals? The answer is simple. If you live in the United States as of Feb. 1, 2020, there… Read More

UTHSC researches gene that could unravel diabetes, metabolic problems

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A team of medical researchers here have a deep hunch that a gene, thought to regulate metabolism in the body, could hold clues to new treatments for diabetes. Ten years ago, Dr. Darryl Quarles, head of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Division of Nephrology, made a name for himself in the research world… Read More

Memphis surgeon’s partnerships create better health, better doctors

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Between his teaching and surgery schedule at Methodist University Hospital, Dr. Denis Foretia has carved out a week in February for the kind of work that feeds his soul.He’s headed to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, to work out formal agreements with the University of Nigeria Medical Centre and a host of hospitals in the… Read More

Researcher looks for link between diabetes, cardiovascular disease

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Researchers have known for years that people with Type 2 diabetes are three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, even die from it, than the rest of the population.  

UTHSC partners with hospitals in China for graduate training

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University of Tennessee Health Science Center has worked out arrangements to support 15 students from China each year as they enter and complete three-year graduate training programs in health sciences here.    

UTHSC sickle cell researcher on ground floor in latest FDA approvals

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November was affirming for Dr. Kenneth Ataga, physician-researcher at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and director of its Center for Sickle Cell Disease. Ataga is from Nigeria, where an estimated 1 million people, including 250,000 newborns every year, have sickle cell. In the space of 10 days last month, the FDA approved two… Read More

UTHSC, Le Bonheur add public pediatric dental clinic

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In the east quadrant what used to be a wide breezeway at the front of Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital is a new dental clinic just for children. When the hospital and University of Tennessee Health Science Center officials formally open it Wednesday afternoon, they will cut a ribbon of floss, a symbol perhaps of the strings… Read More