Publisher: Daily Memphian

Local doctors urge expecting mothers to get vaccinated

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Dr. Erin Watson, pregnant and working full-time in the emergency room of Methodist Hospital, was an eyewitness to how pregnant women can be affected by COVID. So it is not surprising that Watson, who also practices post-acute care at Regional One Health, has become a fierce advocate for pregnant women to get the vaccine.  

Health Care Heroes 2021: Claudette Shephard of University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Regional One Health

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Dr. Claudette Shephard is an OB-GYN specializing in girls and young women. Her work with patients’ sexual development and future fertility has an impact on the community at large. She has a 30-year career in medicine, and her practice draws patients from West Tennessee, North Mississippi, Eastern Arkansas, and the Missouri Bootheel. She also provides gynecology services… Read More

UTHSC appoints new chancellor

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The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has announced the appointment of its 11th Chancellor, Dr. Peter F. Buckley. Buckley currently serves as dean of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, a position he’s held since 2017. His appointment, announced Monday, Dec. 6, was confirmed unanimously by the University of Tennessee System Board of… Read More

Widow, UT work to honor Shelby County’s first COVID-19 victim

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When he was a kid growing up in North Memphis, Kenneth Bradshaw dreamed of becoming an architect, but he couldn’t afford college. So, after he graduated from Manassas High in the 1970s, he took a job as a carpenter’s assistant at the nearby University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Over the next 46 years, Bradshaw… Read More

U.S. Government Refutes Methodist ‘Rhetoric,’ Justifies Intervention in Lawsuit

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The federal government, in a recent court filing, says it has significant justification to intervene in the case against Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and does not have to prove cause. The lawsuit against Methodist, initially filed in 2017, claimed that Methodist and West Cancer executives conspired in an alleged scheme that cost Medicare and Medicaid… Read More

UTHSC Health Hub Opens in Uptown

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It’s not every day ribbon is cut at 534 N. Second, the two-story, early 20th-century brick building that is a landmark in Uptown. Saturday, Oct. 30, it drew a cluster of walk-ups coming to check out the UTHSC Health Hub, the newest tenant. UTHSC had banner year in research, revenue “I am going to be… Read More

UTHSC College of Medicine GME on probationary accreditation in Memphis

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The UTHSC College of Medicine in Memphis, the sponsoring institution for medical residencies in Memphis, Nashville and Jackson, has been put on probationary accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. The institution’s status does not affect accreditation of its 73 residency and fellowships programs in those cities. Residencies at the Knoxville and Chattanooga… Read More

Who are the COVID ‘Long-Haulers’ — Answers May be Surprising

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Jane Storie contracted COVID-19 a year ago and it was a “mild” case that included loss of taste and smell.  But that was not the end. It was the beginning. In October 2020, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Regional One Health partnered in establishing the COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic. Dr. Cyrilyn Walters is… Read More