College: Nursing

UTHSC College of Nursing Offers New Online RN to BSN Degree Program


Earlier today, the Tennessee Board of Nursing approved a proposal from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) to offer a new degree program all online — the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program.

A Day in the Life photo shoot


The 2014 Yearbook Staff is inviting all students, faculty and staff to take part in showing all that goes on during a day at UTHSC. Here’s how: On Wednesday, Feb. 5, shoot photographs of UTHSC faculty, staff and students as they take part in the day’s activities. (Big Important Note: Please observe HIPPA regulations and… Read More

UTHSC Startup Launches First Product


In an effort to better engage her students in a post-clinical conference, Dr. Hallie Bensinger, an advanced practice nurse and instructor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), found herself strolling through the aisles of a school supply store on Easter weekend of 2010 hoping to find fake money to hand out in… Read More

UTHSC Communications and Marketing Team Earns Platinum MarCom Award in 2013 International Competition


The Communications and Marketing Department of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) has earned top honors – Platinum – in the 2013 MarCom Awards. An international creative competition, the MarCom Awards recognize outstanding achievement by marketing and communications professionals. UTHSC’s team submitted only one entry in the annual competition titled, “BSN Reborn!” Entered… Read More