College: Nursing

UTHSC Advisory Board to Meet January 16 in Memphis


The UTHSC Advisory Board will meet Thursday, January 16, 2020, at 1 p.m. in the OD Larry Dining Hall of the Student Alumni Center, 800 Madison Avenue, on the Memphis campus. Agenda items are: Approval of the minutes from the last meeting on September 30, 2019 Chancellor’s report Strategic Plan Update FY 2021 Tuition Proposal/Recommendation… Read More

‘UTHSC Stands Against Hate’ Campaign Receives Gold MarCom Award


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center and its Office of Communications and Marketing won a 2019 MarCom Award for the campus-wide campaign against hate that launched in late 2018. UTHSC received a Gold Award for the “UTHSC Stands Against Hate Campaign,” a collaborative effort by faculty, staff, and students to take a stand against… Read More

Donna Hathaway Has Shaped the College of Nursing and the Profession


Donna Hathaway has some simple advice for nursing students and professionals: You are judged by the company you keep. She certainly knows what she’s talking about. Dean of the College of Nursing from 2000 to 2011, she holds BSN, MS, and PhD degrees. A nurse, educator, scientist, and University Distinguished Professor, she has had an… Read More

Duane Miller Honored for Lifetime of Research, Due to Receive 100th U.S. Patent


Duane Miller, PhD, retired from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2015, but he still comes to work four days a week. Dr. Miller has made research his retirement, because how can you sit at home when you’ve spent your life ferreting out what could lead to next-generation… Read More

Dedmon Recruited to UTHSC College of Nursing to Establish Faculty Practice Program


Diana Dedmon, DNP, FNP-BC, goes where she is needed. As a nurse practitioner, she has seen patients in settings ranging from health clinics to their own homes. Now she is bringing her commitment to health care access to her new role as assistant professor, director of Clinical Affairs, and Michael Carter Endowed Professor for the… Read More

Nursing Research: Sepsis Survivors Express Need for Follow-Up Support


Research led by a faculty member from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing shows that survivors of sepsis feel a need for advocacy and support after discharge from the hospital. And these results have inspired further research into this vulnerable population. “Care during this period is fragmented, without systematic support for… Read More

Record-Breaking Year for UTHSC, Chancellor Schwab Reports


UTHSC Chancellor Steve J. Schwab, MD, summed up the 2018-2019 academic year as a “record-breaking year” for the university. In his 10th-annual State of the University Address on Friday, the chancellor said the university has achieved “national-level” performance in both the education and clinical arenas, citing annual performance metrics with record graduates and revenue. He… Read More

UTHSC’s College of Nursing DNP Program Produces Largest Number of Nurse Practitioners in Tennessee


Kristin Fitchpatric remembers exactly when she decided to become a nurse. She was 21, and her mother was in the intensive care unit of a local hospital. The prognosis wasn’t good. “The interactions with the nurses in the hospital went far beyond patient care. They prayed with me, hugged me and loved on me,” she… Read More