College: Medicine

UTHSC Researcher Amali E. Samarasinghe Receives $1.9 Million Grant to Study Functions of White Blood Cells as Protectors Against Influenza Infections


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center announced today that Amali E. Samarasinghe, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics in the College of Medicine, has received a $1,919,402 award from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Samarasinghe will investigate the mechanisms by which certain white blood cells regulate antiviral immune responses against influenza… Read More

Mukta Panda, MD, Receives Mastership in the American College of Physicians


Mukta Panda, MD, FACP, assistant dean for Medical Education, professor of medicine and program director of the transitional year residency program for the University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga, has been awarded Mastership in the American College of Physicians (ACP), the national organization of internists. Election to Mastership recognizes outstanding and extraordinary career accomplishments.… Read More

Data Analysis by Ophthalmologists at Hamilton Eye Institute at UT Health Science Center Finds Lower Risk of Infection Over Time with LASIK Surgery than with Contacts


Which causes fewer eye infections – contact lens wear or LASIK surgery? While traditionally contacts were thought to be safer than a surgical procedure, an analysis by ophthalmologists from the Hamilton Eye Institute at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center indicates otherwise. A metadata analysis comparing the incidence of microbial keratitis, an infection of… Read More

The UTHSC College of Medicine Internal Medicine Residency Program Announces Internal Medicine Chief Residents for 2018-2019 Academic Year


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Internal Medicine Residency Program has announced Manyoo Agarwal, MD, James Earl Corley III, MD, Natalie Dunlap, DO, Chris Jackson, MD, and Malia Willis, MD, as the Chief Resident class for the 2018-2019 academic year. Each year, the internal medicine residency program selects five residents from a rising class of… Read More

UTHSC Department of Surgery Expands Research Efforts; Surgical Oncologist Evan Glazer Brings Ocular Melanoma Clinical Trial to UTHSC


Evan Glazer, MD, PhD, moved to Memphis last August for more than just the great barbecue. A surgical oncologist and a physician-scientist, Dr. Glazer was drawn to Memphis, and in particular the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), by what he sees as an opportunity to help develop a multidisciplinary surgical research program at… Read More

156 Seniors in the College of Medicine at UTHSC Offered Residency Positions On Match Day; Largest National Match on Record


On Friday, March 17, at the Memphis Botanic Gardens, the 2017 class of the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) discovered what their next step would be after graduation during UTHSC’s annual Match Day. Match Day brings together graduating medical students to reveal whether or not they “matched” into… Read More

Professor Jonathan H. Jaggar, PhD, of The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Awarded $1.5 Million to Study Blood Pressure Regulation by Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Ion Channels


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded Jonathan H. Jaggar, PhD, Maury Bronstein Endowed Professor in the Department of Physiology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), a $1,520,000 grant for his project titled “Blood Pressure Regulation by Smooth Muscle Cell Ion Channels.” The proposal is designed to study proteins called ion channels that… Read More

UTHSC Affiliates Participate in Prestigious Forensic Science Conference; Preceptorship Deadline March 15


Two medical students in the forensic medicine preceptorship program and a forensic pathology Fellow at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) presented their research at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans last month. Having UTHSC affiliates at the event promotes the university as an academic institution… Read More