College: Graduate Health

Department of Surgery’s Zalamea Honored for Leadership as Educator, Global Health Care Provider


Nia Zalamea, MD, FACS, assistant professor of general surgery, director of the UTHSC Global Surgery Institute, and associate director of the UTHSC Center for Multicultural and Global Health, has done medical mission work in the Philippines for more than 20 years with her family foundation, the Memphis Mission of Mercy. The nonprofit provides health care in… Read More

Students to Compete in UTHSC’s Annual Three Minute Thesis Competition


Students looking for a challenge and a chance to share their research will participate this month in the Three Minute Thesis competition at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. The competitors will have three minutes and one PowerPoint slide to present their thesis and research. Typically, an 80,000-word thesis takes nine hours to present.… Read More

UTHSC to Graduate 94 Students in 2022 Winter Commencement Ceremony


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will hold its Winter Commencement ceremony on Monday, December 12, at 10 a.m., at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Degrees will be awarded to 94 graduating students, including 17 from the College of Graduate Health Sciences, 9 from the College of Health Professions, 30 from the… Read More

UTHSC Faculty, Staff, Students Honored for Making an Impact


The Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity presented the UTHSC Impact Awards to acknowledge and celebrate students, faculty, and staff members for going beyond the call of duty in their roles at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Winners of the Lichterman Award, the Chancellor’s Exempt Staff Award, the Student Social Justice and Diversity Healthcare… Read More

Young Named a Fellow in Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy


Jarrod Young, MBA, BSE, CHSOS-A, FSSH, operations lead at the Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Simulation (CHIPS) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been accepted into the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) Academy as a new Fellow. Young is one of 111 people across 13 countries to be awarded this… Read More

Chancellor Peter Buckley Receives Distinguished Service Membership From Association of American Medical Colleges


The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) at its recent annual meeting honored Peter Buckley, MD, chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, with the distinguished service membership for his exemplary service to academic medicine, AAMC, and its Council of Deans. According to David J. Skorton, MD, AAMC president and chief executive officer, Chancellor Buckley has made truly extraordinary… Read More

First-Generation Students Celebrated at Inaugural First-Gen Day Event


While many other colleges and universities focus on hardships and deficits when discussing first-generation students, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s first-ever First-Gen Day aimed to celebrate and inspire those students. Institutions across the country take part in National First-Generation Day every year to acknowledge the resilient community of students who were the first… Read More

Dopico Awarded $2.6 Million for Project to Understand and Treat Alcohol-Induced Blackouts


The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has awarded $2.6 million to Alex M. Dopico, MD, PhD, Van Vleet Chair of Excellence and professor in the Department of Pharmacology, Addiction Science, and Toxicology (PHAST) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, to study cerebrovascular dysfunction that could contribute to alcohol-induced blackouts. Alcohol-induced blackouts… Read More