Category: Research

Addiction Symposium Emphasizes Collaboration in Solving State’s Drug Abuse and Addiction Issues


While the coronavirus pandemic has drawn most of the attention over the last year, the opioid pandemic and other drug abuse and addiction issues have been steadily growing in Tennessee and across the nation. Faculty from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd, community advocates, and faculty from other… Read More

UTHSC’s Byron Jones Receives $2.87 Million For Gulf War Illness Study


The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has awarded Byron C. Jones, PhD, professor in the Department of Genetics, Geonomics, and Informatics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, $2.87 million for his continuing study of genetic alterations associated with Gulf War illness among former military personnel. During the 1990-91 Gulf War, 700,000 troops… Read More

UTHSC Team Receives $2 Million For Diabetes Pathophysiology Study


The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases recently awarded a team of UTHSC researchers $1.99 million for their work to advance understanding of the pathophysiology of prediabetes, diabetes, and related complications. Sam Dagogo-Jack, MD, professor of Medicine and director of the General Clinical Research Center, is a principal investigator, along with Nawajes… Read More

New Issue of UTHSC College of Dentistry Magazine Illustrates Leadership in the Pandemic


With a focus on community engaged care and excellence in clinical treatment, the College of Dentistry joined the university community in standing up to the COVID-19 pandemic. Early in the pandemic the college provided a model for safe clinical treatment, quickly retrofitting clinic spaces to remain open to treat dental emergencies and to train dental… Read More

Paper by UTHSC Researcher Examines How Diet of Highly Processed Food Affects Metabolic Outcomes


A diet involving processed food may affect one’s metabolism more than realized, according to a recently published paper in the scientific journal  Communications Biology by Joseph F. Pierre, PhD, an assistant professor in the Divisions of Neonatology and Pediatric Obesity and the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Biochemistry in the College of Medicine at the… Read More

UTHSC’s Toni Whitaker Receives $94,000 Grant to Provide Support for CDC’s “Learn The Signs. Act Early.” Program


Toni M. Whitaker, MD, professor of Pediatrics and chief of the Division of Developmental Pediatrics in the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, has received a $94,000 grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of University Centers on… Read More

UTHSC Researchers Awarded $500,000 to Test Mitochondria Therapy to Improve Neuromuscular Function Following Injury


Researchers from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center have received a $500,000 grant over three years from the Department of Defense to test a novel strategy using mitochondria transplantation therapy for restoration of neuromuscular structure and function after injury. Poor or incomplete muscle repair after an injury delays or prevents normal function and can… Read More

UTHSC Participating in Statewide Research to Prevent COVID-19 Disparities and Improve Health Outcomes Among Underserved Tennesseans


Researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center are participating in a project to improve COVID-19 health outcomes among underserved Tennesseans. The Tennessee Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities was established in response to the National Institutes of Health nationwide CEAL initiative. The $1 million statewide effort is being led by Meharry Medical… Read More