Category: Education

New Building Brings New Day for UTHSC College of Dentistry


By all measures, the new dental building under construction on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Memphis campus is a game changer for the UTHSC College of Dentistry. In late October, the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees approved a request from UTHSC to name the building, the Delta Dental of Tennessee Building. The… Read More

UT Health Science Center Chancellor Steve Schwab Announces Plans for Retirement


University of Tennessee Health Science Center Chancellor Steve Schwab announced today that he plans to retire. The University of Tennessee System will launch a search for Schwab’s replacement in the coming weeks. He will continue to serve as chancellor until June 30, 2022, or until a successor is on board. “It has been my honor… Read More

UTHSC College of Pharmacy Introduces Three-Year Path to PharmD


Beginning with this fall’s incoming class, students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Pharmacy will have the option of completing the program in three years, rather than the traditional four years. The Immersive PharmD Accelerated Track (ImPAcT) will include the same curriculum as the traditional… Read More

Dr. Altha Stewart Receives Solomon Carter Fuller Award from the American Psychiatric Association


Altha Stewart, MD, senior associate dean for Community Health Engagement, associate professor of psychiatry, the director of the UTHSC Center for Health in Justice Involved Youth in the College of Medicine, and past-president of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), has received the Solomon Carter Fuller Award from the APA. The Solomon Carter Fuller Award honors… Read More

UTHSC COVID-19 Vaccine Team Honored by Leadership Memphis and City and County Mayors


Today, a special tribute was held for volunteers from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center honoring them for their volunteer efforts at the Pipkin COVID-19 vaccination site. The event was held onsite at 940 Early Maxwell Blvd, and hosted by Leadership Memphis, Volunteer Memphis, City of Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, and Shelby County Mayor… Read More

UTHSC Advisory Board Approves FY22 Budget Proposal


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Advisory Board Wednesday unanimously approved the university’s proposed operating budget of $633.8 million for FY 2022. While the budget holds tuition steady, it proposes raising the minimum wage at the university to $16 an hour and includes $5.2 million in infrastructure support. It will go to the UT… Read More

Wall Appointed A University Distinguished Professor at UTHSC


Jonathan Wall, PhD, a professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Graduate School of Medicine (GSM) in Knoxville, has been appointed as a University Distinguished Professor. The title is reserved for those who have contributed in a superlative way to UTHSC and brought distinction and respect to the university. Dr. Wall’s appointment comes… Read More

Michael Alston Named Associate Vice Chancellor For Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity at UTHSC


Michael Alston, EdD, CCDP/AP, assistant vice chancellor for Equity and Diversity, Title IX coordinator, and chief diversity officer at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, has been named to the new position of associate vice chancellor for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity at UTHSC. The appointment is effective June 30. Additionally, the Office of Equity… Read More