Category: Clinical Care

Karen C. Johnson, MD, MPH, Interim Chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine at UTHSC, Awarded $1.6 Million to Continue Observational Phase of Look AHEAD Study


The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study, funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), began in 2001 to examine whether weight loss and increased physical activity would prevent cardiovascular events in those with type 2 diabetes.

Herrera ASPEN Nutrition Support Pharmacist New Practitioner Awardee


Dr. Oscar Herrera received the Nutrition Support Pharmacist New Practitioner Recognition Award on January 19th at the Pharmacy Practice Section meeting of Clinical Nutrition Week in Savannah, Georgia.  Dr. Herrera is Fellow of Pediatric Nutrition and Metabolic Support in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy working with professor and chair, Dr. Rich Helms.  This recognition honors… Read More

Matthew T. Ballo, MD, Joins UTHSC College of Medicine


David Stern, MD, executive dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), has named Matthew T. Ballo, MD, chair of the newly formed Department of Radiation Oncology.

UTHSC Welcomes Its First Physician Assistant Studies Class


Johnna Tanner, PA Program Department Chair, reports that as the only Physician Assistant program in the state that is associated with a public university, the mission of the program at UTHSC is to prepare a diverse group of highly skilled Physician Assistant practitioners who are dedicated to improving access and providing high quality care. With… Read More

Anniversary for Long Term Faculty Member


Feb. 1st marks the 55th anniversary of James W. Pate, M.D. as an active faculty member of the College of Medicine.  Dr. Pate has participated in  many of the dramatic changes in UTCHS and in local and national teaching, training, research, and health care delivery. He still participates in student and resident conferences and lectures… Read More

Andrei V. Alexandrov, MD, Named Chair of the Department of Neurology and Semmes-Murphey Professor at UTHSC


David M. Stern, MD, executive dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), has appointed Andrei V. Alexandrov, MD, as chair of the Department of Neurology and Semmes-Murphey Professor.

Professor Jonathan Wall Receives $1.58 Million Grant for Amyloid Disease Research


It is well known that patients with Alzheimer’s and other disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, develop amyloid, a substance composed of sticky protein fibers and sugar molecules that builds up in the brain or other organs in the body. Doctors do not know whether this material causes the diseases, or whether the diseases lead… Read More

New Guidelines for Management of High Blood Pressure Released


A new guideline for the management of high blood pressure, developed by an expert panel and including nine recommendations and a treatment algorithm (flow chart) to help doctors treat patients with hypertension, was published online on December 18, 2013 by JAMA. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Barnwell Award Laureate, William C. Cushman, M.D., chief of… Read More