Campus: Nashville

Hershel “Pat” Wall, MD, Gave Lifetime of Service to UTHSC


Hershel “Pat” Wall, MD, held many important roles at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center during his career that spanned more than 50 years, including interim chancellor. However, he was most proud of his role as a teacher to those who would carry on the profession that was his passion. “I’m committed to teaching, and… Read More

UTHSC Faculty, Staff, Students Honored for Making an Impact


The Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity presented the UTHSC Impact Awards to acknowledge and celebrate students, faculty, and staff members for going beyond the call of duty in their roles at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Winners of the Lichterman Award, the Chancellor’s Exempt Staff Award, the Student Social Justice and Diversity Healthcare… Read More

College of Pharmacy to Expand Opportunities for Incoming Students in Nashville and Knoxville


Beginning in the Fall of 2023, the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center anticipates opening its Nashville and Knoxville campuses for the first time to a limited number of first-year students to begin their four years of pharmacy training there. Currently, all pharmacy students spend their first semester on the… Read More

Chancellor Peter Buckley Receives Distinguished Service Membership From Association of American Medical Colleges


The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) at its recent annual meeting honored Peter Buckley, MD, chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, with the distinguished service membership for his exemplary service to academic medicine, AAMC, and its Council of Deans. According to David J. Skorton, MD, AAMC president and chief executive officer, Chancellor Buckley has made truly extraordinary… Read More

Fall Advisory Board Meeting Re-Elects Chair, Updates Important Initiatives


During the fall meeting of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Advisory Board Wednesday, members heard reports about the College of Dentistry’s developing initiative to expand dental care across the state, the university’s ongoing strategic planning process, and the recent accomplishments across the six colleges. The board also unanimously re-elected Philip Wenk, DDS, to… Read More

“Everywhere You Look, UTHSC” Tour Shines Light on UTHSC’s Statewide Reach, Mission


Elvys (pronounced Elvis) Ferrufino, a 4th-year dental student on rotation at the UTHSC College of Dentistry’s teaching clinic in the Dodson Avenue Community Health Center in Chattanooga, proudly shook hands with UT System President Randy Boyd and UT Health Science Center Chancellor Peter Buckley last Tuesday afternoon, as they visited the clinic that serves the… Read More

Historic Investiture Installs UTHSC’s 11th Chancellor


In a historic ceremony that blended the flavors of his Irish roots and his adopted home of Memphis, Peter Buckley, MD, was formally installed as the 11th chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Friday. A first for UTHSC, the investiture ceremony was held at 10 a.m. at the Cannon Center for the… Read More

First-Ever Investiture of New UTHSC Chancellor Set for Nov. 4


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will hold a historic investiture of its 11th chancellor, Peter Buckley, MD, Friday, November 4. An investiture is a time-honored tradition in academia, during which the university will formally confer the authority and symbols of the office on Chancellor Buckley, who began his tenure at UTHSC in February.… Read More