Campus: Memphis

UTHSC College of Pharmacy Rises to No. 6 in Research Funding from National Institutes of Health


The College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is now ranked No. 6 in annual research funding from the National Institutes of Health, according to a new listing published by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy of its approximately 140 member institutions. “The ranking of No. 6 in NIH funding… Read More

Clínica Esperanza Provides Student-Driven Health Care for the Underserved


Part of the Department of Physical Therapy’s mission is to meet the physical therapy needs of society by advancing the profession through education, research, service, and patient care. This is made apparent through many areas of the program, including its public service within Clínica Esperanza, also known as the Clinic of Hope. Clínica Esperanza, with… Read More

UTHSC Team Wins $2.75 Million From State to Improve Cancer Care Access in West Tennessee


A University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) research team is poised to make a real-world impact on vulnerable cancer patients, thanks to new support from the State of Tennessee. Led by David Schwartz, MD, chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology in the College of Medicine, and founding director of the UTHSC Center for Health… Read More

UTHSC Researcher’s Lyme Disease Intervention Headed to Market


On one wall in the modest office of Maria Gomes-Solecki, DVM, a professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, hangs a framed letter that is the culmination of more than 20 years of work. Dated April 27, the letter is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture… Read More

Ferrara to Retire After Guiding Finances of UTHSC for Almost Two Decades


Anthony “Tony” Ferrara, the senior vice chancellor for Finance and chief financial officer for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, knew he wanted to be an accountant since his freshman year in high school. That’s not a career choice you hear very often from high schoolers, but Ferrara vividly remembers the circumstances that led… Read More

Breast Cancer Research Team Pulls In $3 Million in National Support


UTHSC researchers working to find new treatments to combat breast cancer metastasis recently pulled in a major national award. Wei Li, PhD, distinguished professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and director of the Drug Discovery Center in the College of Pharmacy, and Tiffany Seagroves, PhD, professor of Pathology in the College of Medicine, are principal investigators on… Read More

UTHSC Physician Takes Research into Community to Improve Health


Basic science research occurs in the lab. At the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, the work of Dr. Jim Bailey and his team occurs at the other end of the research spectrum—in the community. Dr. Bailey, the Robert S. Pearce Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine, serves as the principal investigator for the Tennessee Heart… Read More

Pride in Our Accomplishments: Visitors Become Our Ambassadors


Last week, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center hosted the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the University of Tennessee Foundation – a remarkable group comprised predominantly of UT senior alumni who are leaders in their communities across Tennessee and nationally. “When community and business leaders visit the University of Tennessee Health… Read More