Campus: Memphis

UTHSC Distributes Hand Sanitizer to Community Partners


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has provided hundreds of cases of hand sanitizer manufactured in its Plough Center for Sterile Drug Delivery Solutions to the university’s core teaching hospitals and the Shelby County Health Department. The gift of this high-demand item is an extension of the university’s comprehensive work to fight the spread… Read More

Kena Vassar Appointed to Board of Directors for National Assessment Center Association


Kena Vassar, director of Community Initiatives for the Center for Health in Justice Involved Youth and the Youth Advocacy Coalition at the University of Tennessee Health Center, has been appointed to the board of directors of the National Assessment Center Association, an organization that advocates for and provides training for assessment centers nationwide. Vassar has… Read More

UTHSC Advisory Board to Hold Virtual Meeting May 15


  The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Advisory Board will hold a virtual meeting at 1 p.m. CDT May 15. Board members will be participating electronically or by telephone. Interested individuals are encouraged to watch the meeting online. Information to access the meeting is available at Items on the Advisory Board agenda include:… Read More

World Renowned Pediatric Rheumatologist and Immunologist Terri Finkel, M.D., Ph.D. Joins UTHSC, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital


Terri H. Finkel, M.D., Ph.D., a nationally known pediatric rheumatologist and immunologist, has joined the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in several leadership roles. Dr. Finkel was recruited to serve as professor and associate chair of the UTHSC College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics… Read More

Christie Cavallo Recognized for Excellence in Teaching


When Christie Cavallo, MSN, RN, was growing up in Mississippi, her life revolved around caring for her mother, who had systemic lupus, and her youngest brother, who had a congenital defect. “We practically lived in hospitals and clinics,” she said. “I felt helpless as a child and in taking care of my mom and helping… Read More

UTHSC Team Receives $3.3 Million Award to Study Antifungal Resistance


A team of UTHSC researchers in the College of Pharmacy has been awarded a $3.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for their study of drug-resistance mechanisms of a fungal pathogen responsible for fatal lung infections. Jarrod R. Fortwendel, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science, and P.… Read More

UTHSC Plans Activities May 3-9 for National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week


  The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will host a series of activities in recognition of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, May 3-9. The theme of the week is “Bringing Children’s Mental Health into Focus 2020: Perfect Vision 20/20.” Altha Stewart, MD, senior associate dean for Community Health Engagement, associate professor of psychiatry,… Read More

UTHSC Nursing Student Serves on COVID-19 Front Line in New York City


Amber Gordon, RN, just completed 21 straight days of 12-hour shifts serving as a nurse in one of the hospitals that was hardest-hit by COVID-19 – Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York. Gordon, of Memphis, is a registered nurse and a student in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program in the University of Tennessee… Read More