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Student Success Updates


As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the student experience and align our services with best practices across our peer institutions, we are sharing some changes within our student services units.

To better connect our offices with their core missions and to reflect similar units at other universities, we have rebranded certain offices that provide important services to our students. All student services will continue to be offered by their respective offices. These changes will take effect immediately.

Health Disparities Education and Community Engagement (HDECE) is now Leadership and Service.  This unit empowers students to become leaders and active contributors to their communities through community service and civic engagement. This unit also implements our QEP: Community Engaged Care. If you have questions about volunteering, GivePulse, Community Engagement, or leadership opportunities, you can find answers in the Center for Student Success (910 Madison Ave, Suite 105) or via email at community@uthsc.edu.

Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion (SASSI) is now divided into four collaborative units across three areas:

Accessibility and Accommodations

Organized under the Teaching and Learning Center, this unit provides assistance to students seeking disability accommodations. Need help with a documented disability? They can help! Find them in the Center for Student Success.

Student Counseling Services

Organized under University Health Services, this unit provides free short-term counseling services to UTHSC students. Need someone to listen? They’re here for you in the GEB.


Organized under Student Success, the CARE Team provides student crisis management and addresses a full range of student concerns. Worried about a friend, classmate, or student? Submit a care concern here, or call the CARE Team at 901.448.CARE (2273), 24 hours a day.

Academic Success Organized under Student Success, this unit provides academic coaching, tutoring, and other academic supports. Struggling with time mangement or study skills? Want to improve your test-taking game? Need some help with board prep? Meet with a Learning Specialist today in the Center for Student Success!

The Center for Student Success creates a space where there is no wrong door for student support. This space, located in the Madison Plaza, offers services to support your academic, professional, and social success by co-locating academic coaching, tutoring, student life, volunteer service opportunities, financial aid, admissions, and student records. This space also offers a casual and inviting space for you to gather, meet, and study. The Center for Student Success can be reached by calling 901.448.7703 or by visiting us in Madison Plaza. We have also updated our website to make it easier for you to find the resources you’re looking for!

These changes reflect our commitment to fostering a supportive, engaging, and inclusive environment for all members of the UTHSC community. We believe that these rebranded units will better serve student needs, and make it easier to access resources to help students thrive and succeed. We’re here for you! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Student Success team at studentsuccess@uthsc.edu.


Office of Student Success | 901.448.7703 | studentsuccess@uthsc.edu
800 Madison Avenue, Suite 309 | Memphis, TN, 38163