The Regenerative and Rehabilitation Sciences Division in the College of Health Professions will have a professional development seminar for students, trainees, and faculty on “Successfully engaging in the peer review process of manuscripts for scientific journals.” An overview of getting involved in manuscript peer review and the process will be discussed in a round table format with Regenerative and Rehabilitation Sciences faculty with a range of experience in peer review, including experience at the Editor and Associate Editor levels. Participating faculty include Dr. Stephen Alway, Dean of the College of Health Professions, Dr. Mohammad Moshahid Kahn, Associate Professor of Neurology, and Dr. Junaith Mohamed, Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Health Sciences. Dr. James Carson, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Students in the College of Health Professions, will be the discussion moderator. Topics include how to get involved in peer review, selecting journals to get involved with or avoid, time management of this service activity, and tips for providing quality reviews. There will also be plenty of opportunities to ask the panel questions.
The professional development seminar roundtable is titled “Successfully engaging in the peer review process of manuscripts for scientific journals” at noon (CST) on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Contact Janine Twitchell for ZOOM information (