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Racing For The Wounded – Wounded Warrior Project Fundraiser


Hey y’all!

We are team Shock Trauma & Awe! Hayden and I (Lincoln) are third year medical students from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. In addition to donning our white coats to serve our communities through medicine, we both also chose to willingly serve our country through the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP). Hayden chose to serve the needs of the Air Force while I chose to answer the call of the Army. Though we both wear different uniforms and serve in different branches, we are united under the common goal as medical students and servicemen to provide the gold standard of healthcare to the men and women willing to selflessly give their all for our country. As military physicians, wherever our warriors are called to defend freedom across the globe—so are we! 

As such, we have decided to choose Wounded Warrior Project as our charity for this racing event. As servicemen and future physicians, we want to honor the men and women that fulfilled their mission on the battlefield but must woefully wage war with lasting wounds—both visible and invisible—on their return to the home front. Through support for Wounded Warrior Project, we hope to empower our veterans to continue the fight by upholding the newfound mission of beginning the journey to recovery. 

Please help us reach and even exceed our fundraising goal by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support. Any contribution small or large is greatly appreciated in honor of the men and women that willingly sacrificed their all so that we all can enjoy the unparalleled freedoms bestowed by our country—The United States of America. 

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to The Wounded Warrior Project and a tax receipt automatically issued to you.

Thank you all so much for your support! See y’all at the finish line! 

Link to team/donation page: https://fundraise.spartan.com/page/ShockTraumaAwe